The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

000 0. 0. 0 000 00.00 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 DON'T GIVE UP THE SHIP. I DR 'HOOF'LAND' s' CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS, WILL EFFEUTUALLY CURE Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and all diseases arising from a feb10 IMPORTANT JUST PUBLISHED, Such as Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness, or Blood to the Aead, Acidity of the Stomach, Nauzca, Stomach, Heartburn, Sour Disgust for Food, Fulness, or Weight in tions, Sinking or at the Pit of stomach, Swim. ming of the Head, Hurried and Breathing.

Sonsations when Finttering la 1 at lying posture. Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the the Heart, Uhoaking or Saffocating Sight, Fever and Dull In the Head, Pain in of the Perspi Side, ration, Yellownerd of the Skin and Flushes Eyes, of Heat, Burning to the Back. "Flesh, Constant Lucaginings of Evil and great Depression Obest, Limbe, do, Sudden of The Spirits. proprietors, In calling the attention of the public to this preparation, do to with a feeling of diseases the utmost for which confidence It is in recom- its virtues and adaptation to the mended. It.

is DO new and untr'ed article, but one that has stood and the its test of ten rears' trial before the American people, crtant, The testimony in its favor given by prominent and reputation and sale are unrivalled by any elmilar preparation well known Physicians and individuals is all parts of the careful perusal of the Almanac, pubinhed annnally hw cannot the but proprietor, eatisfy the and to most be had skeptical gratis that of this any Agents, remedy la really deperving the creat celebrity is has obsained AV DR. HOOFLAND'S BALSAMIC CORDIAL FOR THE PEEDY CURE OF Coughs. Colds, Infuenza, Croup, Bronchitis, Colt Incipient Peeu. mont, Viecases of the Bowels, arising from Consumption, auad for the retted and (if at a il passible) cure Patients in advanced of the latter discase. This celebrated preparation, like the Hitters, may be cond deotly relied on.

It is designed for at class of diseases more general and more fatai any other to which the people of this country are subject- those springing from slight Tbat eminent autbority, Dr. Bell, says I will not may that colds are to our inhabitants what the Prague and Yellow Fever are to those of other countries but, I can aver confidently that they usher in disease of greater complicity and than these A further proof of the terrible mortality of diseares resulting from a common cour may be by a glance at the follow. ing asstistica, taken from the records of the Board of Health of Philadelphia, contesstdly one of thd most healthy localities in the Union: 1952. Total Philadelphia, 10,261 Died of Consumption, du 1413 1853. Total deatha, 9,749 Died of Consumption, 1,895 all other diseases 7,854 9,749 1854.

Total 11,814 Died of Consumption, (2,178 all other diseases, 9,686 From these Agures It will be seen that nearly one fourth of the total death: in the country are caused by Consumption, to say nothing of the numerous other diseases springing from a slight cold. Do trife with your health but, if st. Mering from a cough cold on the lungs, buy a bottle of HOOFLAND'S BAL SAMIO CORDIAL, and you may safely count on a careThousands have done so and have certided to its wonderful en fecta. state of the stomach, in which state the German Bitters should Vonghs cometimes proceed from 8 disordered or dyspeptic be nscd. In cases of weakness, or general debility of the eye tem, resulting from a protracted cough, the German Bitters will be found of great benent.

Prepared only by Dr. U. M. Jackson, 418 Arch street, Phila. delphia, and for sale by Druggists and Storekeepers tbroughout the United States and Canada.

Price 75 cent per pottle. A TRATED NEW (WITH WORK, ELABORATE SPLENDIDLY ENGRAVINGS.) OF NEARLY ILLUS 800 PAGES -TAR BEST WORK UN DISBASES OF THE GRETTAL ORGANS INTRODUUND TO THE GUIDE. Particularly adapted to the of both sexes, which describes in PLAIN ENGLISH all that is necessary te know pertaining to the Generative din orders bow contrasted-th: infuenothey produce upon mind and bodyhow all persons can avoid thera, and it they are so unfortunate as to have contracted such diseases, how to elect speedy and certain cure. Lite wise, It contains many important hints which will be serviceable to those in married life, embracing every subject knowa ic the catalogue of buman ills, as vene real or other diseases of the genital or. grace.

other Mid topica, witery, treated Miscarriage, with all the consideration which their Impotence and Impartance demands- -it being in fact, a the complete male and and practical female work system, and will be mailed In sealed wrappers, any pert of on the Physiological Mysteries of the world at the exceeding low price of TWENTY FIVE CENTS, or tve copies for one collar. AGENTS WANTED in every State, county. city and laze in the United Stater and to Canada. dispunce his invaluable Dr. REYNOLDS continues edica to those aficted with Secret Diseases, with the success attendaat upon thirty years of personal experience and practice in Gonorrhea, protession.

Gleet, Syphilia, always Stricture, gives the beet Suppression of the alen of satisfaction. sea in females, successfally treated. Yourg men who, by indulgiag in secret habits, have con tracted that soul-subduing, mind- prostrating, body-destroying vice, should apply to Dr. other Reynolds cases without of a private delay. nature, Dr In these, as well as all vanity or aspiration, decidedly states that no case within the Reynolds commends an early application, and without any reach of mortal aid shall ever leave him without a cure or eat Isfaction riven.

Beware of empirics and Itinerant self-styled profencors, who cures, but never succced. Dr. is the only respons ty ible to the physician in treaiment of disease of a private nature. ('The al this city who devotes his whole Lime dicted would do well to make inquiries before consulting those advertising in this Dr. practice extends through ev ery State in the Union sad the British Provinces N.

Reynolds la sole agent for Dr. Vichole' Female Monthly Pills. Among the many thousand boxes of these Pills annually Bold, not one complaint ban yes been made against them. Ladles In certain found situation in the should not directiyas use them the particulare of which will be accompanying each box. Price $1.

Sent 'They by are mail not to on aay tale part at of the world. Beware of counterfeits. any other place. Letters describing age, symptoms, occupation properly attended to, and medicines securely scaled from observatico sent to all parts of the world, No letters will be answered unless they contain a remittance of one dollar, consultation fee, No. 19 Exchange Place, Rochester.

THi. will meet with All communications addressed to J. Reynolds, M. D. prompt attention.

Office hours from TA. M. to 9 F. P. engraving at the head of this advertisem*nt to likeness of Dr.

R. Beware of other with 8 like engraving. Dr. Renald: was heretomra known AR Dr. SEWING MACHINE.

WEED'S ble inventions of the age. 1 bey ape a Shuttle making the Lock ch on hoth sides of the cloth Ike, which cannot ce utave ed pulled out. Ther a' all made with the bigbes. niecbanical skill, and a warranted to work well on all kinds of from the L'gat est Fabric to Heavy Leatber, La partcular, we wou'd call st a' ten of all to our new Fanily Fewing Machine It hat be manufactured expres-ly for Family Use, ani has met with tavo from all. It is simplifed as to render it almost impoetible to get out of order.

or derange Its operations; indeed it is s0 n'e n3 to astonieh one, that so small a piece of mechanism will sew. Below we give a description of the different styles of the Weed Patent. No. 1 Is a very convenient etrla, which can be worked by hand or foot, on or off its own table. For convenience of ship.

ping. and also for large manufac cries where it is necessary to pla ea number of Machines into a long bench, making one tab'e answer for them all. Price $90.. No. 2, With Walnut or Mahozany Table, either with or without Box Top, which locks down.

Price 9100 and $110. No. Same alze as No. 1, but runs with a belt, and at much high of Speed. Thia kind la well adapted to inanufacturing or Leather work, This is really the cheapest Machine in the market, as there is no work done on a Sewing Machine that it will net do.

1: 14 cinddently asserted that this Machine runs easier than ADJ machine now in use Price $107. No. This Machine das a long arm, to accommodate large rubs at rate of speed, runs easily, and le, with out a doubt, the beat Machine for Tailors' use ever offered: the public. la 14 fitted for plantation work, ae a simp.e yet substantial and durable, with bus liability to get out of order, Price $120. No.

5. This is a new and cheaper atple, and a general faver. ite for Family, Light Leather, and a great variety of work. It bas been gotten up with reference to furnishing a strong and durable yet light and tasty Machine, at a les price than elther of the above. It runs very easy, rapidly, and is ronourced the best machine in market, for No.

6. This is a afachine got up on an entirely new princi ple, different from anytbicz ever betore to tue public, confidently assert that, for family use it has cot an equal. It te light and tasty, runs vary raridiv, la almost nolee. less in its operation, and uire A STRAIGHT NEEDLE. It la so arranged as to he utterly impossible for 1t to mine It thread bas a tension on both sides, and carries a large supply of on the under The motions are gained by two small cranks that run without perceptible pols 3.

The threads are worked in such a manner as never to bots pull at the same time, ard coneequently, little Dable to break. The It sea will is very elastic, and the thread does 1 os break in washing. do coarre work better than any cheap machine in inar. market. as it uses alik, cottot, or lien witu equal tacility.Price $57.

Descriptive Circulars furnished gratis. OFFICE, BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Agents Wanted. WHITNEY, LYON, Proprietors. luall ds 802 A TE SEWING MACHINES Have gained the confidence of all wbo usa them, a.d bave proved one of the must valu MI.

Finkles': New Sewing Machine! MOST WONDEAFOL IMPROVEMENT! PERFECTION ATTAINED IT -sought HAS for In ALL fret THE class QUALITIES LONG and is fally shuttle stitch Hewing Machine, the adapted to all classes of from the lightest to speed, heaviest, and is the making little or no noise, capable of the highest chine in the world. cost A simple, retiable and durable Sewing MsThis Machine was careful examination requested. mittes on sewing awarded the' first premium by the comtion. Machines, at the Franklin Institute Ex some at forty Philadelphia, for 1853 above all other there being different competitors fu the deld. North'a 'These store, Machines will be kept on exhibition at Walter 0.

197 Bank street, for a short time. febl6-14-ly B. F. POWELSON, Agent. GLASS SHADES, GLASS SHADES Of all sizes for covering CLOCKS, FLOWERS, BIRDS ORNAMENTS, dc.

Constantly on hand and made to order. DEPOT 166 WILLIAM STREET, Corner of ADD, NEW YORK. The trade supplied with a price list, on application. Je19.84.6m SHOE -MANUFACTURER'S GOODS. S.



Pricea, from vortment 03 60 Lace to Trimmed and lx and Lace Mantillas. to be found in this 015 CO -full 25 per cent. cheaper than any. Mort. No.

1 Public market, at the Mantula J. H. and Da KITT. Trimming STOVES! STOVES! THE ECONOMIST. RAILROAD CARDS.

Cleveland and Erie Rail Road. STOVES! STOVES! RAILROAD CARDS. LEGAL NOTICES. DAILY PLAIN DEALER. A coquette is said to be an -imperfect incarnation of Cupid, as she keeps her beau, and not her arrows, in a quiver.

Wrong none by doing: injuries, or tesT. benefits that are duty. "Jim, one youngster to will another, on the Fourth, "Jim, lend me two cents, yer I got up so early I spent, all 'my money before breakfast. I didn't think the day was going to be 80 long THE RETORT -Des Dartes, the philosopher, on being by certain Marquis indulging bimself in the luxuries of the ble, replied: What! 'do you suppose that Providence sent good things. only for fools A At recent country wedding, on the minister's asking the bride-" Wilt thou have this man to be thy wodded busband?" She replica, dropping a courtesy, Yce, if you please eir THE HAIR TRADE -Human hair, when ready to be used in wige, is worth between thirty shillings and four pounds sterling per hair.Germany supplies world with blond London alone buys ten thousand pounds annually.

THE EUROPZAN DIFFICULTY. Louie Napoleon said empira was peace," and if be continnes the war with Austria, it only proves it is alt a piece with the reat of empire actions. It is mean cer taio, howevor, that the doos not -pay! FAST MAN. -There is a man at Oxford, Eagland, who lives so fast that he is nOW ab3olutely older than his father; and it is thought His be twill 6007 -overtake his grandfather. quiet, elderly lady--he has left hind long ago, as well as two old maiden aunts A pedant who had been to call upon Lord Leicester, met Foote, and said, I called upon Lord ter, ho was the not wit at replied, home;" to which, by the way of rebuke, Nor any of his people either, I suppose." A NICE I3 the libretto in the ra," inquired Simpson of his neighbor in the Re- pit at Covent Garden, "in prose or verge?" ally," was the reply, I have such a cold in my head, I can't distinguish "How is it," said a man to his neighbor, that Parson the laz'eat man living, writes the interminable long termous?" Why," says; the other, "be probably gets to writing and is too lazy to stop." I REMOVAL.

facturers CONNOR of Phelan's Billiard 67 and COLLENDER, Tables, 69 have Crosby removed Street, MANU- from 1e- 61 tween and Broome Ann and Swing streets, New York. an29-8m 53 Street to 03, 66, SAFE AT LAST! NO MORE EXPLOSIONS: Carbonic Acid Gas Explosive CAMPHENE AND BURNING FLUID. HAVING B. F. MADE GREENOUGH, of ARRANGEMENTS Boston.

(the orig. fuel Inventor of Campbene ar.d Burning Fluid) for the excluave right to msnufacture and sell the Non-Explosive Burning Fluid In Cleveland and vicinity, we are now prepared to offer it to the public. Having seen and made a great variety of the saured moet daagrrons experiments with the Fluld, we are ful that it may be USED WITH PERFECT SAFETY' and bout the elightest probability faccident, and will NOT EXPLODE under ANY ordinary use of Burning Flaid. We have FULLY TESTED 'ITS MERITS in prescoce ALL OF OUR BEST CHEMISTS, and many c'tizess All pronounce ofthe utmost importatca every family as SAFE AND BRILLIANT LIGHT. It la used in the same Lamp: Pa as the common Fluid.

and be although a little more expensive in the will cold at a very alight advance over commen Fluld. STRONG ARMSTRONG. 199 Superior St. THE HUMAN BEST ARTIFICIAL INVENTED! HELP TO N. M.

Solomonson, PRACTICAL SCIENTIFIO OPTICIAN, Keeps the largest angortment of the most approved kinda All his Glasses, whether for near or far debted, are ground under his own trepection, by machinery of a new construction, with the greatest care, so as to suit the Eyes in all cases; curing Weakness, or Inflammation of the Eyes, and imparting strength for long reading or Ane sewing. N. H. Bolomoneon would here inform the public that be never employs any one in the sale of Lenses. AN Also splendid of SPY GLASSES, MI CROSCOPES, COMPASSES, kept on hand.

ARTIFICIAL EYES Inserted without pain, as perfect as natural. 88 Superior atreet. under American Hotel. FRENCH CONFECTIONERY: WE kinds of ARE MANUFACTURING ALI GUN CORDIAL, Wine, Cream Licorice Drops, JU-JUE PASTE, AND CALABRIA LICORICE, Which we ofer to the trade st as low Aza'es as they Can be bought in New York, adding only the cost of transportation and -xebange. GORHAM APLIa.

Warren de Fremont papers copy. BOARDING AND accommodated DAY 'in etrictly private and family school where all necessary care will be at taken No. 87 of their moral. scientific and ancial education. Apply DnI Street.

(nct11) W. WAKEFIELD. Dress Trimmings. TRIMMINGS--All Ribbons, widths Fringes, and colors, Fluted Chenille Gallons Silk Cords, now openirg at the Mantilla and Trimming Store. No.


Hewitt's Block, West Street, ELAND, 0. Becond-band Engines taken in change for new work 08 sold on commission. Jobbing and reparica promptly attended to. nov4r11-dIm BURIAL CASKETS DANIEL W. DUTY RESPECTFULLY CALL THE attention of persons not to his now myte of HURIAL CANKEY.

10 to and convienent for transportation, patting in vaults or common and Anished la a chaste beautiful manner. It is so constructed that by removing a cap from over the glass, a one half or full length view can be had. Persons wishing to remove the re mains of their friends to any distarce can do it with great sati faction and ewe, as the Osshet in warreated to be perfectly air-tight, and not more then one fourth As hesvy as the metal. lic cale. Ile will take pleasure in giving information to all who ray desire, how they can keep the remains of their friends in a state of perfect preservation, so they removed to any distance in the hottest weather.

A large and and complete amortment of alt the styles cl wood and metal coffins kept constantly on hand, together with a great variety of Shrouds and Trimmings. Office, No. 48 Erla Street. 8 Dissolution. CO- between the CO-PARTNERSHIP undersigned, uuder the LATELY name of EX- Chaminting berlin, Ora de of Cleveland, Ohio, la this dissolved by mutual The business of said Arm will be settled by Philo Chamber.

110. of Cleveland, who is authorized to the debts of said firm. P. CHAMBERLIN, J. CRAWFORD, Cleveland, June 27, 1869.

A. J. Dissolution. ANHE CO PARTNERSHIP EX. sting between the undersigned, under the narce of Craw.

ford Chamberlin. of Cleveland, Oblo, Crawford of Ogdensbareb. in the State of New York. Uhamberlin Craw. ford, of Oleveland, and Ubamberlin, Urawford of Olere land, are th'aday by mutual consent diesolved.

The Chamberlin, business of there several firms will be closed by Philo the debts of of said Arms. Uleveland, who la authorized to collect and pay Ole veland, June 27. I ORAWFORD. P. Co-Partnership.

THE Chamber la, UNDERSIGNED, Crawford AS have SUCCESSORS under the name of Pelton Breed. for the tran entered Into co-part. of a eneral ge. Forwarding. of the and Produce wity of at Cleveland.

the old stard fret RU memioned Arm, in the Cleveland. June 27, A J. SELL BREED. PELTON. CARPETS.

A VERY RICH CARPET. Call MEDALLION and see it. VELVET Rome beautiful styles of Brussels Tapesury Just recelved, and AS GREAT BARGAIN. 8. RAYMOND 183 Superior 8t.

2. PIANO FORTES. FIFTY PIANOS; INOR arriving, and for sale by Ossian Dodger No. 5. 17 PIANOS FOR RENT' for $8, $10, 20 $12, $15; $18 1 and $25 per quarter.

PIANOS FOR SALE. 2P. ET NEW PIANOS ON ONES. received in Exchange for Ossian- -Dodge', INO. EUCLID STREET.

One. Thousand Pianos Must be hold during the present year. If I cannot satisfy those wishing to Buy, Rent or Exchange that they can do better with me than with any other dealer in Oblo, 1. will. XC Give Theri a Piano.

Remember the 4. Remember the Number.I Remember the Subject; and Remember the Dealer, and whether you wlah to pur' chan3 or not, you will always be welcomed by OSSIAN E. DODGE, No, 5 Euclid Street, Cleveland, Ohio. JEWELER'S STOCK. MARINE CLOCKS, GOLD LOCKETS.

GOLD CORB OHAINS. GOLD NECK CHAINS, Gold Vest Unaina, Fine Gold Hoop Ear Rings, Sol. id Gold Ringa, Fine Lava, Mosaic and Coral Seta la fine gold. Silver Thimbles. opea and eh atended, Silver and Plat ed But ter Knives, Florentine, Mosaic, Gold Stone and da meo Sets, Gold Hooks, Thimble, Snaps.

Studs sad Sleev3 Buttons, Gold Pena (extension cases,) Coral Beads and Ar nets, 8lik Guarda, Fob Obains, Silver Keys A and Hooks, German Silver Thimbles Leather Guards, Pen and Pocket Knives, Solid English Silver and Needles. mch80.68,1y NOWLES CO. Have among their fine Block of Silver Watches, the fol lowing celebrated makers: E. RAFFINI, Geneva. OLIVER QUARTIER, Lochs M.




O. A new stock of Eight Day, Thirty Hour, Alarm and R. G. BEESLEY. J.


All of which we will sell at the lowest possible figures, and warrant. Bayers are requested to enquire our prices before beze HUMBUGED by sales of "Assignee's," Selling for cost with a prods added," 19 WEDDELL HOUSE. PUGH STRONG, Wholesale Dealers in Clocks, Watches, Jewelry; AND PLATED GOODS, 182 Superior Street, under American Hotel, CLEVELAND, O. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry Repaired. R.


DEALERS IN SUGARS, TEAS, COFOils, Tobaccos, Wines, Liquors, Cigars, SALT, FISH, At Nos. 145 Water, and 46 48 Union Ste. CLEVELAND, O. EDWARDS IDDINGS, WHOLESALE GROCERS ap19-8m H. IDDINGS.


AND L. RAISINS, 100 25 Barrels Pouchette Golden Prime a Java Coffee, -200 Obesta Young Teas, fresh, Just recuived and for sale at 16 Water otreet. nov29 BARco*ck HUKD, ILS, -Sperm, Winter Elephant and Lard Oils: Burning Fluid; Tallow, Stearine, Star, Spenn and Wax Candles, at LAUNDRY Chemical, Oolgates Starch, Bommon' Indigo, Soaps--for calent KINGSLEY'S. Corn Starch, Arrow Root, Sago and treeh Oat Meal, at KINGSLEY'S. FRUIT.

Layer and M- R. Prunes, Raisins, Curranti whole quarler boxes reg Raisins, and Figs, and Almonds. Just received at dec16 EDWAARD KINGSLEY'S. PURE LIQUORS. CATAWBA BRANDY AND Cordial Catawba Bitters FOR Pharmacentical and Medical Purposes, Manufactured and Warranted Pure, by MMERMANN 1 Manufacturing Chemists, of Cincinnati, 0.






Cor. Water Street, NEW-YORK. THOMAS BEETS; DISTILLER OF CAMPIENE, ALCOHOL AND TURPENTINE, Also Manufacturer and Dealer In the fellowing articles, All of the purest quality and at the lowest marset prices: BURNING FLUID. Spirits Turpentine, Tar, Pitch, Rosin, Sot. Ink, White, Hard and Venice Turpentire, Coal Tar, Shoe and Brush Makers' Pitch, Ship Varnish, Oil Tar, and NAVALSTORES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, BETTS' PATENT CAMPHENE, The very brat manufactured.

PURE AND FRENCH SPIRITS, AND DOMESTIC COAL OIL! AW: NORTH have their Coal Oil works completed, and are making from 1 1200 to 1600 gal lops of pure burning oil par week. 'The Oil 18 a etraw color, free from off naive of warranted the very best made in this country. All orders promptly Alled. LAMPS at wholesale and retall. Address, LAW NORTH, 169 Ontario Oleveland o.

MEDICINES. Health and Happiness Secured. MEN WHO ARE be SUFFERING from effects of self abuse, can ently restored by using the CONCENTRATED CURE, RA 0 A I A A Remedy for great 'and vials, and can be sent by mail certain Powor. remedy la A put trial up in will small satiety. Use it for a week, and to any address.

a great A circular containing you will oxperienco sent cn Price, per bottle fall particulars, One bottle will remedy last a is month. suitable for elther N. can be obtained of GAYLORD Circulars or 80 old or 120 new No. Superior St. medicines HAMMOND, Address K.

URUGER, Medical Agent, A.149 BROADWAY. New York. reb16-87417 CONSUMPTION IS CURABLE SE BY THE USE OF Winchester's Genuine Preparation of the the chemi, HYPOPHOSPHITES of discovered and prescribed by F. CHURCHLIME SODA, Originally ILL, for THE USE CONSUMI'TION, OF Ecrofula, Nervous HYPOPIIOSPHITES Debility, Asthma, IN Bronchitia, Dyspepsia. Female vitality in Complaints the End elements all of diseases depending upon proved a their deficient INVARIABI EFFICAOY in thoublood, has and America and established the sanda of cages in Europe that they are 8 claim of the Discoverer, Specific Remedy for Consumption, Dr.

Uhurchill cays INSTANCE HAVE I FOUND THE REMEDY FALL IN NO SINGLE THAT COULD EA EXTO PRODUCE HYXEY THING moct instances the beneft derived from PECTED FAR IT, EXCEEDED To what could, at tires bave been hoped it has TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE DIGRET AND EXTENT OF for, TAN WHEN INJURY SUSTAINEDBY TAX LUNGS PREVIOUBLY. TO THE DaN OF TEN REMEDY. cases in the third or last stages, treated at my Out or spensary twenty-two durinx the past year, NIGHT HAVE COMPLETELY have died, and six are still UNPARALLELED treatment, eight SUCH A RESULT IS ALTOGETHER IN THE time ANNALS will come. OF when MEDICINE." instead of slaying as it now than do ONE HALF OF OF ALL THE ADULT POPULAWHOLE HUMAN RACT, and more most collized communities, WILL DWINDLE DOWN TION of CAUSES OF TO AN INSIGNIFICANT ITEM tho IN should be am anxious that Into UNIVERSAL USE, 88 know brought, that 48 they ERREDILY will nonve AS no: only A IN CONSUMPTION 3 AS QUIIINI IS IN INTERMITTANT FEVER, but also EYSETUAL A PREVENTIVE IN SMALL It le of the utmost importance that this Remedy be prescrib ed in its purest state, for unless it so, it le nos only BUT DANGEROUS! Especially if there be any Iron, case Free in' a Lima, great Carbonate maiority of of Soda. the Salts sold contained as Hypophospbites.

Dr. Churchill aaya: in it, as de the OTHER DRUG OR MEDICINE SHOULD EX COMBINED WITH OR TAKEN AT THE SAME Be sue WINORESTER'S GENUINE PREPARATION, to purchase which is cert fled by Dr. Ja8. K. Chilwn, to be "properly every made and chemically pure.

My fac simile signature is upon bottle. Price $2 per bottle, or three bottles for 25, with full die ABLE rections for use. INFORMATION and save from all poes: bility of deWrite for Circulars, which will give RELIception. wholesale at the LOWEST DISCOUNT FOR CASH, at the Sole General Depot in the United State, by J. WINCHESTER, Americon and For ign Agency, 49 Joan Pt, N.


AMES, BENTON Agents for Cleveland. NEW TREATMENT. PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL MEDICAL ADVICE. A THE BUFFALO for the cure of PRIVATE HOSPI8, and the of Youth and Maturity, by Dr. AMOS SUN, Buttalo, N.

oflice corer of Main and Quay (up A etairs.) MOST SCIENTIFIC INVENTION. An rum. nt for the cure of genital nal ebility, or Nocturnal Emissione, more proparly krowa 88 cem Weakneer, ('an be permar eatly cured in trom ifteen cafe to two months by the was of this instrument, when used conjolatly with med. Icines. YOUNG MEN TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE.

Dr. AMOS SON tax- pira ure in cing that they bare invest da most important in trumeat for the cure of the above diseases. it pas been rubjec ed tr a test by the most eminent physicians in Lon on, Fari-, lpt's and New York; it has teen declarid to be only useful instrument ever laven'ed for tie care of Seminal Weakne 6, Ar any of the genital organs cau.ed by the 8 cret babits of youth. Price, Ten a. by mall or ex' ress.

N. -Dr. AMOS SON, in crier to sat'ely the most skeptical as to the merits of ta's instrument, piedce thainselves that in any instance whor* it may prove un a fair trial, the oney wilt be refunded, by re urang the ins rament in good order. A CURE WARRANTED. Dr.

AMOS SON have devoled their a tention to this peculiar class of maladies and the rellef they have cont equently been enabled render their fellow creatures is fully tealided and gratefully ac- nowledged by convale cent pa' and dai. arriving in towa from all parts of while the country or the expret8 purpone Guly of consulta 1008, our exerti-ca have beon crowned with the most elgust tag yet from what they hare experienced in ez into the cauws of these infectious complaiute, (trom the most simple ondition to that of the mot cancerous und luvourate) tai have alwaye entertained the possibility of their and removal, and likewise lou'd that the most horrible and malignant fo: me of diseate could almost luvar ably be traced toLe it the fallowing causer Jgomance, nexl. ct, or the 1:1 eff-cta or improper and unekl.lful teatment the' fore UT. AMO3 SON bave rucceeded in discovering la the selection of their remedies, a sale tactual and caut cus omitting all comb nation of rem dies which bear an equivocal cha er, As rel as those wine ana injudicloua app ication migat b' productive cf bad consequer lancable cas la end the of private individuals. Ia thori, be rf st eir remedies la the les Ding a great mass An mi er.

by the alleviation, re.le*, add prevention of those pilevous cliod8 that are in reality the secret ices of lifa ur.d which, while they so extensively eurrouid uP, call aloud for our skill and interference la their COUNTRY INVALIDS. Fersons in any part of the world may be fully treated by forwarding a cores: detail of their case, with a remittance tor medicines, A duress Dr. AMCS SON, corner Main and Quay etreate, ud sio. N. Y.

HEALTH BEFORE WEALTH. has riven him complete control over many compiaints, especial. ly such as arc the result of Imprudence Now, my friend, if you feel alarmed of Indeed ever co Little ar. easiness about yournelf, you are invited to walk up to the Captain's ofice and get a Consolatory Ticket. This move you will probably never regret.

If, bawever, 1 not convenient to drop drop a line, as cthers are doing eve ery tew days, and, like them, you will get a prompt and cab. did answer. Medicine harmless. and Operatia lite charro, and can be sent with perfect safety TO ANY PART OF THE COUNTRY. Coansel and Advice Gratia.

CONFIDENTIAL COMMUNICATIONS iner: ecked an and the key A war. ma12d4w FEVER AND AGUE, From which mankind suffer over a large part of the globe, la the consequence of a diseased action in the system, induced by poisonous miaama of vegetable decay. Thie exhalation evolved by the action of solar boat on wet soil, and rises with the watery 98por from It. While the sun is below the horizon this vapor lagers near the earth's surface, and the virus is ts. ten with it through the lungs into the blood.

1 bere it acta A an irritating poison on the internnl viscera and excreting or. of the bedy. The liver becomes torpid and fails to 50. crete not only the virca, but also the bile from the Both the virns and the bile accumulate in the circulation, And produce violent courtitutional disorder. The spleen, the kid.

and the stomach sympathiee with the liver, and become disordered also. Finally, the instinct of our organism, as ifin an attempt to expel the noixoua infusion, concentrates the whole blood of the body in the Internal excretories to force them to cast it out. The blood leaves the surface and rushes to the central organs with congestive This is the But in this etfort it fails. Then the nowA, in which the bicod leaves the internal organs and rustica to the surface, as if in another effort to expel the irritating poison through tho other great excretory -the skin. In this also It falla, and the abandons the atrempt exhausted, and wails for recovery of strengih to repeat the hopeless effort another day Those are the file or paroxysms of AND AeUx.

Such constitutional disorder will, of course, undermine the health if it is not removed. We have labored to And and we have found, an antidote, AYE'S AGUE CURE, Which neutralizes this malarious poison in the blood, and stim lates the liver to expel it from the As it should, 30 1 does cure this afflicting disorder with perfect certalaty. And doea more, or rather docs what is of more service to those AT Ject to thia infection. If taken in scason it expels it from the syatem as it la absorbed, and thus koeps those who use it free from its attacks; keeps the system In health though exposed to the disease. Consequently it not only cures, but protects from the great variety of affectiona hich are induced by this malig.

nant Infuence. such as Remittent Fever, Ubill Fever, Dumb, or Masked Ague, Periodical or Bilous Hear ache, Bilious Fe Neuralgia, Gout, Blindness, Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Asthma, Palpitations, Painful A of the Spleen, Hysterics, Colic, Paralyels, and Painful Affections of the Stomach and Bowels, ali of which, when arising from thia cause, wili be found to assume more or less the intermit tent typo. This AGUE removes the cause of these de rangements, and cures the disasse. This is accomplished by stimulating the excretories to expel the virus from the sytem and these organs by degreea become habited to do this their office of their own accord. Heuce arisen what we term acclimation.

Time MaT the same end, but often life is not long enough, ot la sacrificed in the at while this does it at once, and with sate ty. We have great reason to believe this is a surer as well as a safer remedy for the whole class of diacases which are caused by the miasmatic infection, than any ciher which has been covered and it has still another important advantage to the which 14 that A is cheap aa well as good, DOCTOR WRIGHT STILL OFFICE O00UPIES ON WATER -THE STREET, SAME OLD Within a Squirrel's jump of Superior Atreet, in Davia' Frankin Buildinge, No. 1 up stairs; end, as usual, is in it from 8 in tbe morninn to Tin the evening. Twenty-seven yeare of uninterrupted practice in this city PREPARED BY Dr. J.

C. Ayer Co. LOWELL, MASS. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL Has won for itself such a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely aunecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been employed.

As it has lone been la coasians use out this section, we need not de more than asdure the people its quality la kept up to the best it ever has been. and that it may be relied on to do for ther relief all it has ever been found to do. FOR AYER'S ALL CATHARTIC OF A PILLS THE PURPOSES, PURGATIVE ICINE. For Costi For the Oure of Dyspepsia For Jaundice For the For Oure Headache of Indigestion For the Cure of Dysentery For a Foul Stomach For the Oure of For the Piles For the Cure of Scrotula For all Scrofulous Complainta For the Oure of Rheumathem For Diseases of the Skin For the Care of Liver Complaint: For Dropey For the Care of Tetter, Tumore end Sail Rheum For Worms For the (lure Gout: For a Dinner Fill; the cure of Neuralgia For Partying the Blood. They fare sugar conted so that the most sensitive 'can tak.

them pleasantly, and being purely regetable, no harm artee from their use in any quantity. Price 25 cents per box; 5 boxes for $1 00. Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, Statesmen. and ther eminent personages, have lent ther names to certify to de unparaleiled usafalmess these remedies, out our space will not permit the lasertien of them. The Agenta below named furnieb gratis our American Almanac in which they are given with also full descriptions of the a above complaints, and 1 treatment that should be followed for their cure.

Do he not be put off by unprincipled dealers with other prepa: they make more profs on. Demand. Ayer's and oth The sick want the best. aid there is for them, and they have It. All or Remedies are sold by GAYLORD HAMMOND, Cleveland, WH.

FISK, Olevelanded every where. ding Neut FAT dad La The Economist; WITH THE GRIDIRON IS By' Messis. W. J. Treadwell, Perry Nolson, of Albany, N.

V. WHICH IS ENOUGH TO GUARANTEE THE SALE IT LIAS REACHED. It is sold only by South Side Public Square, Oleveland, Ohio. Je18-2w NOTICE. UNDERSIGNED trade HAS to Mr.

J. THIS E. DAY HALL sold the Stove and. Jin Ware business the who will heretofore continue occupled by me. I cerdially commend Mr.

Hall tore as a thorough, practical mechanic, to all of my late pat rons. L. E. B. MITCHELL.

Having purchased the entire Mitrhell. stock of continue FURNACES, the business StoVE Tin Ware, of B. 1 at the same place, 3 it No. 216 Superior Street, Next I door shall to 0. be P.

happy to receive all orders in my line of bus Born'e new etovo store. in City Buildings where Lue 88. Having Alled the situation of Foreman for the last seven in this city, 1 fatter royeelf th's will be patronage. a suficient The fol reo years ommendation to secure a share of public branches of business will be carried bing, OR by Gas me: Fitting Tin Plate lowing and Sheet Iron Working, Coppersmi and Plumbing. Particular attention kinda of will Furnace.

be given to putting up. altering guarantee and the repairing strictest all promptituda and attention to alt has I ntrusted to my care. THANKFUL FOR "the THE rest of LIBERAL manking" during PAT. the Fall ronage trade, of his is now determined to close out his large variefriends and part 000KING. PARLOR HALL and OFFICE STOVES ty and of KNAMELED GRATES at Greatly Reduced Prices.

MAMMOTH COOKING STOVES for Hotels, be and surpassed his Victor Cooking Stove for private economy familles in tuel. cannot His Hot Air for Parlor perfection Ieater in for Parlors, Halis, School Houres. Churches, operation and made for Anthracite Coal, la so constructed combined, that and it Stores answers eltber for a stove or a farnace, or both wil produce much more beat than any other stove in the therefore market. It la neat, handsome and durable, and is giving great wbieh sat is made faction oval, for l'arlors, burns co*ke or hard coal, with many of cur best citizane. His "'Pearl." great econcmy and reatnesa.

and also etyles vives of pertoct. ENAMELED satiefaction. The newest and most desirable GRATES on hand at the lowest prices. with Tin, Upper and Sheet He Iron Ware. HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS always manufactures and keeps supplied on Tin hand.

Roofnz and all Jobbing done on short notice. Ail are respectfully colicited to call before purchasing else where, at the cid and well known stand of W. L. MARVIN; -No. 42 South Side Public STOVES AND ENAMELED GRATES, W.

Marvin, No. 42 South Side Public Square, nearly opposite the Old Court House. STEWART'S 1 COOKING STOVE Has alcod the test of TWENTY YEARS' TRIAL, Ic this tinio. Hundreds of Attempted Imitations have Failed, And been forgotten. But the sale Stewart Stove 9 Has increased from 5 am 4 A Few Hundreds to Many Thousands Annually.

CALL AND EXAMINE THEM. CHARLES (P. SOLE AGENTS, 218 Superior Cleveland, 0. feb28 wim STRONG ER DESTROYERE FEVER AGUE STRONG ARMSTRONG," a P. Punderson,) 34 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL: DRUGGISTS, 199 (late 73) SUPERIOR STREET, DEALERS Stuffs, in Pure Glass and Oils, Glassware, Paints, and Varnishes, articles connected with the Wholesale Jobbing Drug Trade.

(Philleo, A Phillco's Flavoring Extracts Lemon, Rose, Vanilla, Almond, and Cinnamon. THESE EXTRAOTS ARE PREPARED with great care, under the direction of a Physician and Chemist of thirty years experience, and will retain their favor for any leugth of time, as they are prepared from the fruit with. out heat. They are equal, if not superior, to any ever offered in the market, and warrental to contain no deleterious substance. K.

B. HASTINOS, Proprietor, Utica. N. Y. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by STRONG ARMSTRONG.

Druggists, 199 SUPERIOR ST. OLEVELAND, O. w5m AMASSER'S FIVE MINUTE ICE CREAM FREEZERS, As Improved for 1859. WITH STAMPED IRON COVERS BOTTOMS- -TINNED THE ONLY FREEZER KNOWN The which is constructed on true scientific principles. and less Cheape.

labor Bert, and most economical, requiring less ice durable in structure, than any and other, being at the same time the moat Sole Unued most certain in ita operations. Agents tor the States, E. KETCHAM Manufacturers of Japanned and Planished Tin Ware. 230 Pearl Suresh Now York, At 9-2m Te. 1859.

SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. 1889 Passengers Traing follows: AND MONDAY, June 18th LEAVE OLEVELAND. M. Mall Train stop at, all way Saybrook. stationa, and except arrives Wick: at liTe, Perry, Erie 1.80 P.

Dunkirk, 8:42 P. Buttslo, 6:20 Y. M. 8:20 P. M.

Oinciarati Express Train. stops at Painesville; CA and Madison, arrives at Erie at 6:12 and 8:60 only. P. ta M. Buffalo 10:20 P.

M. 9:80 P. M. Night Expre: Train, Frope at Paineaville, Ash's. bala, 'Conneaut and only.

and arrives at Erie 1:06 A. Dunk irk 8:19 A. Buttulo 4:16 A. M. LEAVE ERIE.

12:05 A. M. Night Express train topping a arrives O.rard, at Cleveland Ashtabu. la and Pa'ncevillo only, and at 8:40 A. 7:25 A.

M. Mall Train. stops at all stations except Swanullle. Untonville, Perry, Mentor and Wick. Biod on aignal to take passengers, for Cleocland only.

at Saybrook, Uulonville, Perry, and Wickliffe, and arrive at Cieveland at 11:00 A- M. M. Day Train, stops at Girard, Conneaut, Ashtabu a and Painesvilie only, and arrive at Clevelaud as M. All of the through trains going Westward connect at Cleve And all the trains going Eastward connectat and with Trains for Toledo, Colombus, (Ancinnatt Dunkirk with the traina of the New York and Central Erie and ed at Buffalo with those of the New York and New: York City Railroade. 2.

15 Cleveland. Judo 18. 1879. Toledo, Rail. Road," SPRING, 6 TO 18th, 1889.

TAKE Trains EFFECT Cleveland MONDAY, Daily (Sundays ex. 4:00 cepted) A.M., as fellows: 11:25 A. and 6:20 P. for Chicago! Toledo, and Stations en Southern Division. and 11,25 P.

M. for Detroit and Jackion. 4:00 A. M. and 6:20 P.

M. for Fort Wayne, Logansport, La. fayette, Danville, Springfield, Naples, Alton, St. Louie, c.o 4:00 A. M.

and 6:20 for Springfeld, Dayton, Cincinnat1. 5:55 P. M. for, Sandusky and Stations on Northern Division. TRAINS ARRIVE IN CLEVELAND From Toledo 9:40 9:25 A.M.

A. M. 8:10 P. M.and M. Sandusky L.


To Trains take leave effect Cleveland Monday, Cally, (Sundays June 13th, excepted)- 1859. 10:00 A. M. Mat', for Pittsbuigh and Wheeling. 4:50 P.

M. Accommodation for Bayard and burgh 9:00 P. M. for Pittaburgh and Wheeling. The 10:00 A.

and 9:00 r. M. trains, make direct conneotions with Pennayivania Kallroad tor Baltimore, Philadelphia. New York and Algo with Baltimore Unio Nail Road for Baltimore and Wa-hington City. 10:00 M.

truin alas connects at Hudson, for Akron and Millersburgh. Tine by this route is quick, and fare will be the same as by Northern Lines to. New York. J. N.

MOCULLOUGH, Sup't. F. R. G. T.

Agent. june13 Pennsylvania Central Rail Road. A The Capacity or. this Road is now equal to any in FEE the Country. Three Through Passenger Trains ENTWEIN, PITTSBURGH PHILADELPHIA, NONNEOTING DIRECT IN THE UNION Depot.

at Pittsburgh, with Through Traias from all Western Cities for Philauelphia, New York, Boston, Baltimore and Washington City, thus furnirbing facilities for the transportation of Passengera uneurpassed, for greed and comfort, by any other route Exprese and Fast Lines run through Philadelphia with. out change of Cars or Conductors. Cars are attached to cach train; Woodruff's Sleeping Cars to Exprees and Fast Trains. Express rung Daily, Mall and Fast Line Suaday excepted. 'Three Daily Trains coanect direct for New York.

Exprese and Fact Live connect for Baltimore and Washington. TRAINS Morning Trains from connects at Pitisburg with 4:80 Fast Lice. Rescoes Philadelphia at 7 A York at 1 and Bal at 7:15 A M. Evening Train cc naecta as Pittsburg with 8 A Fast Mall. Arrives at Pr lladelphla at 3 New York 10 Baltimore 6:20 A M.

Express Tran Le ves Pittsburg 9 arrives at Philadel. at 9 A New York 8 Baltimore 11:15 A M. six Daily Trains between Philadelphia and Now York; Two Daily Trains betwean New York and Boston. Trough Tickets (alt rail) are good on either of the above Trains. BOAT TICKETS to Boston are good yia No wick, Fall River or Stonington Lines.

TICKETS EASTWARD may be obtained at any of the Important Rai! Road Offers in the West aleo, on board say of the regular Lines of steamers on the or Chlo Riv. era: and WESTWARD at the Ofices of the Compady in Boston, New York, Baltimore, or Philadelrbia. FARE ALWAYS AS LOW AS BY ANY OTHER ROUTE. AS ASA FOR TICKETS BY PITTSBURGH. The completion of sue Western on of the Pennsyl.

vania Rail road to Chicazo, naace to 8 the DIRECT LINE BETWEEN THE LAST AND THE GREAT NORTH- WEST. The connections of tracka by the Road Bridge at Pittegh, Avoiding all crayage or ferriage of Freight. together with the saving of time, are advautagee readi appreciated by Shippers of Freight. and the Public. PARTIES SHIPPING LASTWARD will find it to their advantage to Stip by this Route.

For contracts or Shipping Directions, apply to or address either of the A- fello virg agents of the Company D. STEWART, Pitteburgh; Doyle benville, H. S. Pierce Zonesville, J. J.

Joanson, Kipley, K. McNeely, Mayeville, Ormsby Oropper, Portsmouth, Paodock: Jettersonville, H. W. Brown Uincinnail, Athern Hibbert, Vincinnati, k. U.

Meldrum. Maci on, lad; liam Bingham, Lousville, KY. P. G. da ville, N.

W. Graham Cel P. F. Sasa, St. John H.

Nashville, 'leun Harris Hunt, Memphie, Tenn. Clarke W. H. H. Koontz, Alton, Murphy Walle, Dubuque, Lova; or tu Freight Agents of Koads at didercut points in the West THE GREATEST FAUILITIES OFFERED FOR THE PROTECTION AND SPEEDY TRANSPORTATION OF LIVE STOCK.

And GOOD with usual privileges fo: persons traveling in charge crecf. FREIGHTS WESTWARD. By this route freights of all descriptious can be forwarded from Palladelphia, New York, Bostou, or Baltimore, to any point on the Rail Hoads of Ubio, Kentucky, Indiana, Itlinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, or by Railroad direct. The Pennsylvania Itail Road also counects at Pitteburgh with by which goods can be forwarded to any port on the Ohio, Mushingum, Ken ucky, Tennessee, Cumberland, I1. Led Rivers: Mississippi, Wisconsin, Missouri, Arkansas and Steamers to all and ports at on the Cleveland, North Western Sandusky and Chicago with Lakes.

their Merchants Freight to and this shippeas entrusting the transportation of speedy tranait. Company, can rely with condence on its the THE Pennsylvania RATES OF Hail Road 'FREIGHT to any point in the West by are at all as ca are charged by oher R. K. Companies, or be particular to mark packages VIA PENNA. R.

well Merchants in the West ordering goods from the Last, will do Parties to direct attending them to be chipped by this Route. to their own Shipments from the East will at find the it to following their interest to before call on the Agents of this Company shipping or letters addressed to either attention of them on the subject freights, will meet with prompt K. J. SN MEDER, Philadelphia. LEECH MAURAW KOONS, CU North Street, Baltimore.

No. Astor House, or No. 18 Wm. St. LEECH No.

64 Kllby Street, Boston, Y. 1 H. L. I. HOUSTON, Gen'l Freight Ag't, Phila.

THIOS. L. A. ROOTT. HOUPT, Gon'l Gen'l Ag't, Puiladelphia.

Sup't, Altona. Pa RATES OF RARE FROM CLEVELAND via. CLEVELAND TOLEDO RAIL ROAD COMPANY: First Class, Cleve and to 00 Olaca, Cleveland to 10 00 st. 17 CO 1:: Fort Iowa Leaven 17 26 St. 26 26 50 50 Louis WITHOUT will be taken CHANGE by the OF car lad to lowa Vity or by any other route, JOHN CAkS, at as low intes feb16 6m General U.

PARSONS, Ticket 1859. 1859. Cleveland, Columbus Cincinnati Ballroad. 'SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. ON 1869, Trails leave Cleveland MONDAY, APRIL'11, FIEST TRAIN.

8:25 A. M. line. Ciccinnati Gallon, Expreas- New Lord Shelby, Crest ware. Oardington, and Switch for Vela 1.0 1 STOOND TRAIN, 11:80 A.

M. Mail, stopping as all SHIRD TRAIN. 6:50 P. M. Night Passenger- Stopping at all Way Stations and between Delaware.

Oleve: and A and Galion, and at Carington at all south so of stopping Gallon. to leave Passengers Shelby, Sandueky. delu, Mount Mansdeld Newark Railroad, for Mans. Cres: line, Pattsburgh, Fort Vernon, Newark, Zanesville, Forest, Upper Wayne, and Unicago Railroad. for Wayne, Laport, Delphos, Lima, Fort Manafeld, Wooster, Chicago, Massillon, west and en.t for Gallon Bellefontaine Railroad Line, for Bellefon: ta'ne, Haute, Sidney, Vincenues, Union, Munc'e, Ir Terre St.

Louis, Evansville, Loulaville, Cairo, Delaware, Dayten and Hamilton, Cincinnati cincir Lati, Line for Springdeld, Day. lie, with Terre the OLio Haute, St Louis, and at Cincinnati Richniona, Indianapo and ali points Kailroad for Louisville on the Ohio River. Cincinnati, Little Xenia, Miami Day ton, Columbus, bad Xenia Rallroad for Indianapolis, Terre Haute, Saint ice Louisville, Ohio Evansville, Railroad at for Morrow. Love and and Ul. unna.i,and with the Cairo, St.

Louis and all points on Ohio River, Columbus, Central Ohio Railroad for Newark, Zanesville, 4 Wheeling, Columbu', Piqua Inuiana Kail. road for Piqua, Urbana, Union For Ticket Tickets to all points, and information, apply at the tion. Office, 61 superior street, of at St. 9 April 9. 1809,: 63 E.


TO TAKE EFFEOT ON AFTER FEB. 10th, 1889. Clev'd Going Yagst' East. wn. Going West Trains Leave Clev'd.

Mail. Exp. Exp. I Mail. 4,00 1 P.

M. 1045 6,80 1,24 .44 10,25 6.01 7,24 Plank 10,06 5,88 6,05 9.471 6,05 Aurora, 4,28 8,57 .7 9,00 8,51 6,93 8,87 8 16; 6,86 8,18 4,58 Braceville, 2 88 10,41 7.08 Leavittsburge, 7,431 10 61 7,22 Warren, 7,87 2:00 11,28 7,40 1.84 7,64 7,00 1,13 11,51 8,04 1:091 12,001 8,10 I 6,401 1,002. Making Connections At Cleveland with Cleveland Toledo, Oieveland, Delumbus and Oincinnati, Oleveland Erie, and Cleveland Pittsburgh FRail Roads. At Solon with Hacks to Chagrin Falle, etc. At Mantua with Hacks to Ravenna.

etc. At Warren Braceville with with Hacks to Newton Falls, etc. Bloomfeld. Canfield, Sharon. Greenville, Meadrille, and At Enon Youngstown Valley, and with Stages to New Castle, Lowell, Poland, thence by P.

F. W. 0. R. R.

to burgh. Tebe 9. CHAR, L. BHODES SuD' Notice to Contractors. PROPOSALS City WILL Civil BE Engineer of the RECEIVED city of AT land, Improving until 12 Kinaman o'clock street M.

July between 9th, Hudson 1869, for street urading sas Cleve avenue. Plans and more particaiar information can be had at the cilice of the City Engineer on and atter the 18th lat. 'The Board of Oity Improvements invite the subminion of bids, reserving the right to accept or reject the fame. order of the Board. Jul19-10d JOHN WHITELAW, City Ovul Fart.

Notice -to Contractors. DROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED AT the office of the Ulty Civil Engineer of the city of Cleve. land, until 12 o'cloc'? M. July 26th, 1859, for baliding Sewer on On avenue, from Kinsman to the (so Plans called.) aud spec A can ba seen and more more particu. Jar luforma lon Can be ortained at esid Engineer's office, on and The after Beard the u.ty Int.

imj rovernents invite bias, reserving the right to or reject sanio. the of By order of he Board. jul12-10d JoIN WHITELAW. Olty Oivil Eag'r. C.

0. C. B. R. Semi-Annual Dividend.

LEVILAND, Or C. C. C. 1859. M.

R. Co.) A er cent. has been ANNUAL ceclared by DIVIDEND this company, OF from FIVE the earnings of the past six mouthe, pas the stock bolder regnect ally on and alter the diet of Aggast next. Stockhold era reg stered in New York will be paid at the Bureet, offica of the United States Trust Company, No. 43 Wa'l to Tradeter bcozs will be closed from end on tLe auth ins.

the drat By August, order of the Board. T.P. HANDY, inclusive, Jul8-el auz1, "4 Treasurer, D': Notice. The Sta'e of Ohio, Court of Ocmmon ga County 83. Horace Eds orton v9.

Divorce: Alice Jane Edgerton.) ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT, Alice Jane Edgerton, will take notice that Porace Id et. ton, on the 9th ray of Jwy, A. D. fled his past.ion in toe til of aLe Ulerk of tue Court of praying Demmon Pleas. a divorce within and for the county and state atcresaid, for from the said Al ca Jane Edgerton, and for the custody of their min.

or child, 'The caure alledze. in said petition la adaltery. 8ald cause w.ll be for hearing at tue next term of raid Got rt. and uolee: the aid Ali Jace plead, answer or demur to said petition. the same wil be taken as confessed and (e.ree eatered according y.

ELI BRUCE, HORACE Attorney for ner, By Cleveland, July 11, Alex. Mo; EFORE MESSENMUELLER, Va of the Peace, la and for Daniel Ouran laud To Lehip, Cuyaboza Conaty, On tae 10th day or May, said Justice issued an order of tachment lu the above action. for the sums of tea and doliars. ALEX. MUTES.

Cleveland, Mar Wm. Lutkemeyer, FE. Wheeler, Madden Bakewell. BEFORE E. in and for Cleveland HESSENHUELLER, Township, I Justice Cuyaboga County, Ch'o.

On the 16:1 day ot June. 18:9, sald Just Segued an order of attachment in the a Jove action. for the sum of and doula 8. WW. LUTKEMEYER.

Cleve and. June 20. Proposed Amendment to the Constitution REAL ELATIVE TO AN AMENDMENT TO Constitution, providing for Annua. Sessions of the General Assembly. Resolred, by General Assembly of the State of Otto, Three-fifths the members house concurring therein.

that it be and is hereby proposed to the electors of the State to vote at the next annuat October State Election, upon the 8p proval or rejection of the following amendment as sub for the Arst clause of the twenty tith section of the second art cle of the Constitution of this State, wit All regular alons of the General Assem Jy alall commence on the Monday in January annual WILLIAM B. WOODS, Sp. aker of the House of Kepresentatives, MARTIN WELKER, April 5, 1809. AN Pros dent of the Senate, SECRETARY OF STATE'S OFFICE, 0., April 7, 1859. I hereby certify that the 'oregoirg Resolutt tive an Ameudmest to the loa prov.

du for ALBa al Seesions of the coeral Asemb 18 a true copy from the 1 in-Oe Secretary vi State. Lease of the Public Works OF THE STATE OF OHIO. Or THE BOARD OF PURGIO WORKE, C'OLUMBUS, Ohio, Apri 27, 1859. THE BOARD OF. PUBLIO WORKS THE STATE OF OHIO.

hereby gives notice that en the hours of 10 o'cloca A. Mi. and 4 o'clock H. M. on FIFTEENTH DAY OF AUGUST, 1809, On the steps of north side of the Hoite, ba the city of Colux bus, Ohio, will proceed to let, as public auction -upon the conditions in the manner specined by the act making appropriations the superintendence of the public works tor the cal year end pg November 15, 1859, acd provicing for the same," pa: Bed April 6th, 1809-the Fublic Worts of State of Ohio, for the term of Hie fears, commencing at on the Ares cay of eptember, 1869, and ending at on the first day of September.

.864. For the purposes of lett nz, the said Public. Works ars divided into three sectiona as follows Section No. Out, to embrace the Miami and Erie Canal, all the side cute, feeders and reservoirs connected therewith together with the lockbousee, otice, weigh and leases of surplus water therefrom, and al the water and privileers pertaining thereto, and cf land used la tion therewith. Section Number Cata', Two, to embrace the Muskingum Improve.

ment, Ohio the Hocking Canal, the Walhoucing and all the side cuis fed urs and connexed wilb sect.on, toath or with the licshou ea, collector's officer, we 8. anu leases of surplus Water therefrom, and all the rents and privil ges pertaining aud cf laid used connecticu there with. ceciou No. Three, to embrace the Weatern Reserve Maunee Road and a'l toll gates n. The MIAMI AND CANAL con 8 of 268 miles of lire.

It compr sea the Wabusa and Erie Caual, 88 muce extending west ward from Manastian 00 Late Krie, 10 state line between Inulna ADO Ohio, (where 1t connect: the Wabash and Erie Canal of Indiana uno the MAxI MIAMI EXTENSION CANALS, extending rom Junction, on Wabach and Erie Canal, 70 weet of to Obi Kiver at Vine. Tue slack wa'er navigation on the Muskiagum River, the MTEKINGUN IMPROVAMINS, 19 91 miles io length, from Marietta and on the Ohio hiver, where it connects with a side cut of the chio two miles long. THE CANAL leads from Cleveland, on Late Erie, Ponsnouth, on the Ohio River, and is bundred and mUles lung; at one hundred and mues Olevelanu, it conLects witu the alhonding canal; at port, one hundred and forty nice mies from Clevciand, Dre deu tide cut connects with the Musking um Improvement: and at Carroll, two hundred sud four ulsea from Cleverard, connects with the Hocking Oanal. THE HUCKING CANAL. Lity miles long, is connected the ubio Uaval, at Carroll, ant terminates at Athens.

from Roscoe, tie ALHONDING CANAL exteud: 23 where it termiastes in a slack Water pool of the Mohican er, which reaches two mtles above the head of Canal. Connected with these lures of cana 6 are various feedera, sine. reservoire, elipe and slack water pools, welca tie property of the Aud form part of the sections which they connect. The Wab. ah and Erie Canal, Rom but an to Juzcticn, wee constructed with feet depth of ter, aud el width at the bizht of lop water line Junction to the Etate the width st top water was fect, and depth cf sate: are feet, With there exceptions Canals were designed for a medium dept of four teet of and a with of tory feet at canal surface.

'The canal wee get erally built with chambers of diteen tat wide the: are eleven dams and slack wate: popie. Between about uinety fret long. On the Muskingum Improvement villa and La war there are el. ven locks, the chambers of are one hundred and feet long and thirty-gix is wide. another Above jock wuica Zantsville, and between that place aud Dresden la one bundred al.d tweety feet long twerty feet in the chamber.

The WESTERN RESERVE AND MAUMER ROAD a Ized and gravelod le from L'ellevue, county, county, a t9 the distance Maumoe of furty-n River Ven Bridge and a halr a Each gecion wi.I be let to he person or per sideraton of the tolls to ba derived tP to pay the bigbett annual rent theref.r. ad 1 all respects with the afo: csald act and With sud the aball comply ur may be adcpted, by the Hr, a Me bid will be received unle sard for the ing. the aame abalr have deposi person or parsons money, or tu the Stocks of th State of the Onto, or of 5 aces, the sum of tbr or 'or the that be or ube will take, lease of dollars, ALe upon the conditions they stall tilt it ad ail ba struck cf to bun SECSIOD on which security for the side as by law and or them, and the security so be arsolutely in default he ed to, and tine proparty of the stave, and wholly sand dullara one per whit not be leased tor a sum aunum; section two 1ca not la so ban than forty four housand hundreu dollars dollars per per annum section three for not jess said secuons be regarded annum, which is leas will than any the bi 1 for el: rent for maid section. No wilt a aid minimus each of the others is alto let, And no bid, be let satisfactory, will be finelly until like although sac stactory ctberwise for Lave duly been received the cther suctious and the executed, leases No Hal pares road to bids compaly cr in or companies shall in any manner required bidders (la case to all whom the auy section aball be struck off The therein. ed securities and enter into sections bond, are let.) to deposit will by the act.

on the 25th day at August, and 1809. the leave contemplated The hocured ecurity and on sectica No. ULt Ball be in the of two Afty hundred thousand and dollars; on Section No. Two in sum of No. Three in the sum ten Afty thousand thousaud dollars, and on Section At Stocks lease of or Lio ha.f 0: of the security shall consist or dollars.

Auditor cf state, upon Uwted which States the depoaited with the receive lerscea are tLe flailed interest a 60 long as ard the covenants of the lessee lessee or lessees der of the Board of Publ Works to on be returned to them by the termination of happeued during leaset; the continuauce no ure of the same shall def of the securily, or any vart of of ouch their lesse. maunder, The opti recured of by the mortgaged lessee, cons of st either of euch socke, or 1 of bonde. may, at State, at one half the actual cash value, excluding catate building within unincumtered real all any other part of such peristable security, improvements. proper If real estate be odered thereof must be furnished ard full extracts of the August, 18:9, and at the to rame the Hogrd on the twentieth day cluding and sime an abereos, actual view ty the Auditor, I and one of the made upon perishable improvements, sioners of notwithstanding the county such in which such real estate is mi.uated; vEs to ui power of and appraisal, the Board ficlency of ine socurity thus determining wu al respecta the offered. tools, Materials implements, provided horses, or contracted for, and the boats, Superintendenta, IL be ults, and other property in use they st be appraised by purchased at the value at souP, to te appointed by the turce of Public Herlessers will ba required 10 pay to tre ciate the Worka, said and value in money within one month fruin the time the apprised moot abail be made.

appraise For under which further said information as to the other terms and Pullic Works are to be leased, reference conditions and a mnede ther to laws the ard orders act. Yam; blets containing this Public Works, Also tables of distances, the Board, of tolla relative to will the of or ready June for examication at this office on and after the frat apy person next, and will te 10rwa red by mail to the addres of lean: who may request a Printed or pies of instion at this and bond to be ed, will alga be ready for exara at any ume ater the last day of July Dext JOHN WADDLE ABNER L. BACKUS. to JOHN L. MARTIN.

Roard of Public Works of Obla. NOTICE IS has HEREBY withdrawn GIVEN THAT C. Prior tav all his from the Arm of Murray! Wil am M. Kimball. right and Inierest in said Aria C.

C. MURRAY. The PRIOR, businfes will BICK hereafter CO, be who will condacted the style Murray, Prior Co. A. P.

PRIOR, settle ail accouite of J. P. HARRICK. WM. KIMBALL O.

Murray is hereby given that wm. M. Kimball bas bought of Notice all and his Las right given and 10 0. interest 0. in the Arm of Mura All Murray certain notes which payment Murray, theretor.

Prior Co. individual accounte of 0. C. Mur. agreement with O.

C. Murray, to be inay be for are, by notes. A. P. PRIOR, considered as off J.

WM. M. KIMBALL Clevolard, May 97h. 1879. may 2J-6m.

NEW A NEW SUPPLY OF ELEGANT at Cleveland, May VELY 80, 1859. CO. 185 Superior St. af Linseed Oil. WE have on ARE band, one NOW hundred Barrels RECEIVING (G.

O. Griewold AND a pre. brand) LINSEED STRONG OIL, which we will sell at a very low fig. ARMSTRONG. 197 Superior St.

GIMPS FOR LOUNGESat DECK WITE'8 Carpet OF to the the and for re leasing the DOOD DOOD sad and loess, rents connec. Cade, asid ghwater in and malu lcaz. the with and the the know and to Canal to nine from Webbe the with mile RIP. ta are wish Man. trona water locks and Zanes which leet sud com Did la adopted, making State la Unked he or give treaf forfeit thou.

ditcem than her ualege St. the act be day of form to C. Prior part ra: aid there. be to twa the State the may or or their bava the ilia and as title os ex but re suf by the la lic in a by the of J..

The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Annamae Dooley

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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.