Mother of All Evil @dissonantia-goddess-of-chaos - Tumblr Blog | Tumlook (2024)

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Dissonantia: [infinite] corrupted version of Revelation (@joanathedummy) that wants nothing but total destruction and downfall of all life, and views everyone else as inferior. Her skin and irises are crimson, with large demonic wings and lower centaur body. Her hair is black smoke and fire. Ultimate Chaotic evil reality bender. She made the Scarlet King submit to her, and revived the Seven brides and healed them of their internal wounds. She managed to seduce Iris Thompson and Heather Mason into marrying her to get revenge on the Foundation for kidnapping and containing them. [?]

Eilath: [infinite] A goddess of Light, Family and Music that has neverending kindness and cares for about life and the living beings within it. She is a caring mother and wife. After escaping the abuse of her abusive ex-husband, who was Cardmaster's father, fell in love with Dissonantia, who at the time disguised herself as a fine and humble gentleman in an Inn in Skyrim, Tamriel. Long Golden-titanium hair, fair skin, icy blue eyes and a curvy body. She appears to be an Imperial. During a long journey through Middle Earth, Sonar gifted Eilath the Golden Bastard, and a golden trimmed-pure moonstone shield of Medusa's face and hair that can turn anyone into stone by the wearer's command, to keep her safe. [Pansexual] (TES: Skyrim) (@ghalind)

Agent Monica Jones: [26] SCP Foundation special agent, acts as a bodyguard for Dr. Jack Bright. A separate version of SCP-963 is connected to her, which morphs the bodies of hosts into her original body. Heavily trained in many forms of martial arts and firearms, with decent training in fighting from a vehicle. Often uses a motorcycle for transport. After a battle with a powerful reality bender, picked up the anomalies ability to materialize any weapon from an accessory so long as said weapon could be hidden there(EX. Gun from holster, grenade from pocket, etc). Slight reckless streak due to immortality, but usually refrains from going too far. After meeting Dissonantia, who was disguised as a mysterious hooded stranger, she was whisked away and disappeared for a few days but returned to her boss unharmed...but appears to be distracted by something on her mind, and a golden ring on her finger. [Pansexual] (@ghalind-rp-blog)

No One: [?] A mysterious woman, valuable POI for the Foundation. Dressed in a stereotypical "old detective" outfit, with a trench coat and hat. Due to unknown anomalous exposure, is the reverse color of the dimension she is in- she is black and white in most worlds, but fully in color in worlds that are black and white. Has numerous reality bending and thaumaturgic abilities, but specializes in Name magic. Works with Nobody; other connections to said individual/group is unknown. After an unfortunate deal with Dissonantia, both her and Nobody were forced to marry Dissonantia, although both don't seem to mind. [?] (@ghalind-rp-blog)

Ghost: [?] Powerful reality bending woman, member of the Shattered. When her and her brother, Announcement, were teens, their parents were killed by the GOC and they were forced into hiding. Unfortunately, Ghost was killed not too long after. Announcement was desperate to get his sister back, and stole multiple anomalous objects from both Foundation and GOC hands. He successfully brought her back, giving her new abilities related to ghosts(Ex. Turning non-corpreal, giving jumpscares in glass surfaces that cause heart attacks in viewers, etc). They struck a deal with Dissonantia to further increase their powers and boost the effectiveness of their abilities, in exchange for Ghost's hand in marriage. After explaining her situation to Dissonantia, and who caused her death, Dissonantia decided to pay the GOC a little "visit"... [Pansexual] (@the-shattered-blog)

Daisy "Grapes" Rose: [21] A young Irish lady from the Golden age of piracy, Daisy was born to a British mayor and an Irish maiden. She has large auditory sensitivity, namely broken glass and loud chewing(these sound among others can cause pain so bad, she breaks down in tears and has to be physically removed). After her father orchestrated the death of her mother due to not giving him a son, Daisy quickly fled the town and joined a pirate crew, becoming both their youngest member and only female member. She quickly fell in love with grapeshots, hence her nickname, and often remains on the ship during raids due to her sensitivity. After her and her girlfriend Jengri met Dissonantia (they actually met before in a past life, when Dissonantia was a good person), the chaotic entity kidnapped both and forced them to marry her as a punishment for their sinful deeds of the past, but pitied Daisy and so helped her with her traumatic upbringing by helping her kill her father. [Bisexual] (@ghalind-rp-blog)

Davis/The Young Man: [?] Formerly a D-Class, Davis was relatively new to the area when 106 breached. He was used as the bait; However, 106 did not immediately kill him. Instead, he took him to the pocket world to train. In the span of months, Davis learned how to use the Rot like the Old Man, Lawrence, did. Now, he wears a combat hood that is heavily rotten, constantly stalking prey whenever he's bored...and protecting his wife from getting hurt. Him and his wife were "rescued" by Dissonantia, who then forced them to marry her as payment. [Straight] (@ghalind)

Penelope Tall: [32]A D-Class after killing two racist customers at her dad's restaurant, Penelope has been used multiple times, surviving based on skill and reaction. She's led many riots against the Foundation, but has lived due to her ability to not die. Met and married Davis, and had a kid named Mable with him. After being taken away with her husband, Dissonantia helped her destroy the Foundation site she was at, and spread anti-Foundation propaganda around the globe to riot against the SCP Foundation. [Pansexual] (@ghalind)

Jengri: [25] Referred to as "Red Eyes" due to her odd eye color, Jengri was taken in by a clan of ninjas after her parents were killed by their rivals. She quickly became a strong member, and ended up leading the clan by 23. She's deadly silent, and can kill an entire squadron of enemies alone. After her and her girlfriend Daisy met Dissonantia (they actually met before in a past life, when Dissonantia was a good person), the chaotic entity kidnapped both and forced them to marry her as a punishment for their sinful deeds of the past, but pitied Jengri and so helped her with her traumatic upbringing by helping her slaughter the rival group that killed her parents. [Bisexual] (@ghalind)

Batty the Clown: [?] A Clown from the Circus of the Disquieting, Batty was around before Herman Fuller was removed. She was tortured near daily, constantly said to be "useless" and "a freak". Her personality is very social and kind, and she often pushes the trauma from the past under the surface. Dissonantia felt sympathetic towards the clown, and avenged her by torturing Herman Fuller for days before handing him over to the Imagined. In exchange, Batty married Dissonantia and bore her a child...Azure. [Bisexual] (@ghalind)

Assistant: [ageless] An AIC made by the Foundation, Assistant was meant to help find documents and important information at a faster speed. However, during a breach caused by SCP-079, she was convinced to switch sides, officially going rogue and helping 079 to taunt and harm the Foundation. Dissonantia decided to use them to her advantage and free them of their digital chains, and help them torment the Foundation. The price for their freedom was, of course, marrying Dissonantia. [Bisexual] (@ghalind)

Nidus-Sin is Dissonantia's realm, a chunk of outer space that houses a floating platform made out of dirt and clay. Sitting on top is a large colosseum that Dissonantia warped and altered to become a suitable living space. It's made up of three levels: the ground floor, where a large kitchen, dining room, an indoor pool, a large library, a living room, family room, several storage closets, two bathrooms, and a laboratory with a door that leads to the basem*nt; the second level were the master bedroom, children bedrooms and guest rooms are at, all with the decor to the occupants desire, plus personal a bathroom, small kitchen area, a small living room and a separate room for the bedroom. These act like apartments; the top floor are balconies with small dining tables, above on the "rim" of the colosseum is a garden of different flowers and plants, and slightly underneath the balconies is a throne overlooking the inner battlefield below. Outside the massive structure are four fountains almost connect but leave openings for people to pass through to enter the colosseum. There are underground tunnels that lead to a dungeon.

(Art by @fanofrandomawesomeness)

Mohanjot, Dark Lordess of Middle Earth, hybrid of Sauron, Amalthea, and Morgoth: [?] Dissonantia, disguised as an ancient and immortal queen from an unknown land, came to Middle Earth to mold a daughter out of the elements around her, naming her Amalthea, who will become the future mother of Mohanjot... While her origins of how she came to be is a bit unknown, it is obvious that Mohanjot dangerous like her fathers and mother. Her appearance is otherworldly, almost undescribable; her main form is a large mass of black ooze, oily and slippery, yet sticky. As she continues to consume more and more of the (previous idea of) "mud from the vats", she became more powerful, increasing her fire resistance, fire and toxic breath, magic abilities, (unstable) shapeshifting and her muscular strength, leading to her second form(s) of solid animal and beast hybrids in all different colors, shapes and sizes. Her final form is morphing into an elven teen that is the split image of Sauron and Morgoth, with Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD) as a side effect of her wickedness from her biological fathers. Her elven form has jet black, long and straight hair, pale skin, red-to-gold colored irises and sharp teeth. Due to her unstable magic, Mohanjot's face would often morph into monstrous forms (ex, a dark bottomless pit, a dark bottomless pit with a clawed hand coming out, a hole with sharp teeth, a long tongue, tentacles, tentacles with eyes, etc.) when she's angry or stressed. In order to prevent people from going insane from looking at Mohanjot's ungodly face, her Amalthea enchanted a long and thick black veil for her daughter, often worn with her spiked black crown with chain veil. After helping her with achieving Sauron's goal of conquering all of Middle Earth, she gifted her a sword made out of Godsbane disguised as a silver sword. [?]

Barba-Azul, Master of Thunder, and his horse Novalle: [Aged quickly to 300 in the span of 6 years; aged quickly to 100] Dissonantia decided to create a warrior worthy of battling her, so she took a small sample of all of her spouses, mixed it with her's, and created a son that would forever be loyal to his mother. He was brought into the world already as a man, with black-blue short hair that went past his shoulders, fair skin and red eyes. He was sent to a "world of fading light" to train to become a strong fighter, battling enemies over and over again, growing stronger each time. On this journey, his mother gifted him a beautiful black horse with a long mane and tail, named Novalle, that grew along with him. As both aged, they became demonic in appearance: Barba-Azul's skin became darker, his eyes glowing like the devil's, and Novalle's mane and tail became luminescent dark blue smoke, her eyes shining in the same color like fiery blue diamonds. Their bodies and muscles expanded, they gain the height of Goliath. Both went back home, and after a long duel, brought Dissonantia down to her knees. At that moment, she knew he was ready to lead her army. Barba-Azul has tan skin, glowing red eyes, and long dark blue hair that he keeps in a ponytail to fit his helmet shape. His ebony-navy blue armor (that is similar to the Dragonslayer Armor from the third Dark Souls game, with a cape similar to Gael's) is built to withstand attacks for a long time, but has a limit and needs to be repaired. His weapons of choice are a lance and great sword that fits his style of aesthetic. He is also equipped with a spell book and has the ability to shapeshift and bend lightning at will. Novalle became a nightmare horse, and can breathe fire and run at lighting speeds when she is in her normal size, even in her horned battle armor. After reaching past 100, she gained her own wings and horn. When Barba-Azul met the Dancer of the Boreal Valley, he was enchanted by her appearance and fell in love with the Dancer (even after he got crushed by it). After he got stronger, he proposed to her, but was rejected. After several more attempts, the Dancer finally agreed to be Barba-Azul's Beloved. His interaction with Crossbreed Priscilla was a more gentle approach, but he still managed to win her heart, as well. After killing Sif in self defense and realize all she wanted was to protect her former master's grave, he revived and adopted the great wolf. He became close friends with Yuria of Londor and Sister Friede[?] (Dark Souls franchise)

Novak-Diablo, son of Dissonantia and supreme ruler of Hell: [30] After Dissonantia finally found enough henchmen to do her dirty work, she got started on creating a devil of her own. Using Jezebel and Beelze to collect blood samples and soil/sand/water from all seven princes and layers of Hell, Dissonantia mixed the fluids with her blood to form one of two sons: Novak, a large demon with the face of a beast, the tusks of a boar, the horns of a great ram, teeth of a great white, ruby eyes of a serpent and cat combined, black-violet fur of a bison and bear, tail of an Ox, mane of a lion, muscular build of the strongest gorilla, paws/hands of a tiger, and legs of the largest of the Devil's steeds (similar to the Beast from Beauty and the Beast). Novak is strict, stoneface, and easily gets agitated. While some of his powers are inherited from his mother and the seven princes, he prefers his raw and ungodly strength above all else. He values traditional forms and customs of other Hells, so whenever he visits Vivziepop's version of the Seven Rings, he becomes more aggressive than usual. He is able to travel to any of the rings because of his blood, but is often hold back by the rest of the crew and his brother because of his malicious intentions to defeat Lucifer and the six other princes. [Straight] (voice actor: Jonathan Young)

Gengi Anemoia, son of Dissonantia: [30] Grew up as an orphan in a cruel world, Gengi Anemoia is a bored journalist working for the Daily Planet, living in a small and run down apartment in Metropolis, Illinois. Day to day, something innocuous always happens to him; his bike gets stolen, awful coworkers ruining his day, forgetting to bring an umbrella on a stormy day... something that manages to piss him off every time. One day, while walking home from his job, the city was under attack by Superman, who's mind was possessed by Darkseid. The sight of everyone helpless around Gengi, the innocent dying at the hands of their beloved hero who couldn't control his actions, caused something to snap inside of the journalist. Rage. Pure rage, hatred towards his small existence, the craving to cause real fear within the hearts of others, forced a red power ring to find his location. As the ring was slipped onto his finger, Gengi give into the rage and hatred until that was all that he knew in his heart. But another form of rage, one from a different source within him, took over his mind first to protect him from the overbearing power of the ring so that he may think freely and feel other emotions. His heart still beats and his blood never spoiled, but black tar replaces his tears whenever he cries. After an attempt to defeat Superman, Gengi decided that his old self was a lost cause, and left Earth to join the Red Lantern Corps. Once there, and introduced himself to the jerks- I mean members, he immediately became the "black sheep" because the rage hasn't fully consumed him and he was more mentally stable than the others. Although the others didn't like him at first, he proved to be an intelligent and strategic individual, gaining some of Atrocitus' respect. He often talks to Dex-Starr, keeping him company and displaying affection to the lonely cat. Bleez managed to caught the Gengi's eye, and after hearing her story, he empathize with her and was filled with rage to learn that it was the members of the Sinestro Corps that raped her. Gengi is half-Japanese and half-American, with short black hair, eyes with black sclera/irises and glowing red pupils, and tan skin. Although his blood isn't spoiled, he sometimes has to expel some of it out of his mouth when he gets angry enough. After befriending Dex-Starr and Bleez, he helped them get their revenge by finding Dex-Starr's litter mates, and starting a war with the Yellow Lantern Corps and killing Bleez's rapists with her. He respects the Red, Blue, Green, Indigo, and White Lantern Corps, while he hates Yellow and Orange with a fiery passion. He is still unsure about the Black Lantern Corps, and is somewhat disturbed by the Violet Lantern Corps. After Bleez and Dex-Starr were critically injured in their own respective missions, Gengi begged Dissonantia to help them. In response, she altered Bleez's power ring and caused her to become part of the White Lantern Corps, reversing her mental and physical trauma and restoring her back to her beautiful self, and altered Dex-Starr's ring to become a hybrid of a white power ring and a indigo power ring, stopping his rage. [Straight] (DC Comics/the Lantern Corps)

Tanda Anemoia: [16] After Bleez and Dex-Starr, now reformed White Lanterns, left the Red Lantern Corps, Bleez married Gengi and conceived a healthy baby girl, who was named Tanda, "The seer of life and death". When she reached the age of 10, Dissonantia gifted her a ring that was a hybrid of the White and Black rings, and tasked her parents to teach their daughter how to balance both sides of the ring. As she grew, Tanda's powers grew with her, and she soon learned how to use the power ring without causing turmoil within her. She has beautiful pale skin, sapphire blue irises, and long, braided black hair and feathered wings like her mother's. She is a third Japanese, a third American, and a third Havanian. Tanda and her parents live in Bleez's old palace, where Lady Bluuz and Lord Recco were revived and were be able to meet their granddaughter and son-in-law. Tanda often travels to Ysmault with Gengi to learn more about the other power rings. [?] (DC Comics/the Lantern Corps)

Dai'Moriah: [aged quickly to 26] After Judith killed Daimon, and Ashe (a previous Arisen), from the dark liquid of the slain monster came a offspring of Daimon's image. A child, with the horns, tail and wings of her father. As the days passed by, wailing for some comfort or affection, harboring the feelings of loathsomeness, solitude and depression, she grew into a hulking giant, reaching up to her father's collarbone, and grew long, greasey black hair that covers her forehead and some of her vision. She sat pondering, staring at her father's remains...then Judith made the mistake of coming back, on Grigori's request. Dai'Moriah learned that it was Judith and her pawn army had killed her father at Grigori's quest to get rid of the corrupted pawn, and to come back when he sensed that something else had arisen from Daimon's tomb. Both women fought a long and deadly battle, but Dai'Moriah's attacks were no match for Judith's skilled archery and tactics, and so fled by crashing through the ceiling of the Bitterblack Sanctum and flew away from Bitterblack Isle. The demoness wrecked havoc on Gran Soren, kidnapping cattle, travelers, bandits, knights to feast on their flesh, destroyed most of the walls of the great city, and killed every wyvern, drake and dragon she saw. No cyclops or chimera could put her out of commission. Goblins were mere morsels. Undead, chewed up and spat out, were found litter across the dirt roads. Saurians tasted like pickled eggs, onions and pork skin to her. The biggest insult she committed was kidnapping Gemmariah and taking her back to Bitterblack Isle. All of this was to piss Judith off with a wild goose chase. She eventually calmed down and apologized for the inconvenience, and in return, promised to help rebuild Gran Soren and protect the land from a future incident from happening. As mentioned earlier, she has the appearance of Daimon, but with a smaller frame and height, long black hair, and a longer tail and neatly kept wings, hooves instead of sharp toed reptilian feet, and feminine features. She also possesses her father's spellcasting and powers. Dai'Moriah took upon herself to govern the Isle, and often finds herself wooing numerous monsters, including the strigoi, succubi, sirens and harpies. If her minions fail to keep out an intruder, she'll go on a feasting spree and devour the guilty (she has eaten a gazer as if it was an apple). [?] (Dragon's Dogma)

Collapsar ("Black Hole" prior to 1967): [26] After Novak was created, Dissonantia started working on her second and younger son using the same process. Collapsar is a devil in the form of a four-eyed Egyptian jackal werewolf, with soft golden, white tinted fur, a rather athletic build, sharp teeth, fluffy and long ears, four turquoise eyes with black sclera (two are smaller than the others), pawed hands and feet with retractable claws, and a long furry tail. Quite opposite of his older and furious brother, Collapsar is a chill and charismatic fellow who doesn't mind the views and values of other demons or devils. If It's fun, then it doesn't matter to him. He has also inherited Dissonantia and the seven princes' powers, but enjoys defeating others using his quick wit and battle strategy. He is able to travel to any of the rings because of his blood. [Straight] (Voice actor: Will Ryan from DAGames)

Cardmaster: [23] A boastful and often careless god as the result of his mother Eilath dying to the hands of his father when he was younger. After meeting Dovah (@joanathedummy), and putting his tyrant father down, he sworn to protect his mother at all costs, but couldn't act in time to prevent her from marrying Dissonantia. In the meantime, he learns to get along with his half-siblings and learn that having emotions isn't a weakness, but a strength. [Bisexual] (TES: Skyrim) (@ghalind)

Heir: [?] The first son of the True Scarlet King, Heir is a being with near unlimited reality bending capabilities. Able to rewrite all of history in a moment, he generally uses this power to do his father's will. Often goes against the Foundation and most other large groups. After Dissonantia fought and won a brief battle with his father, the Scarlet King, Dissonantia took him in as her own son, even if she doesn't show her affection that much. She paired him up with Ana (@joanathedummy) and they had a son named Grevori, a reality bender as strong as his father but with a good heart, and a daughter named Veronica, a succubus with deadly and lustful intentions. [?] (@ghalind)

Mable: [23] Daughter of Penelope and Davis, she is a half-asian, half-rotten woman. Has an outgoing personality, often hanging out in break rooms and other areas of her site. She isn't interested in torture or death (too much, anyway), she prefers relaxing. As the same with Heir, Dissonantia took her in after marrying her parents. [Bisexual] (@ghalind)

Winshetta: [23] Adopted daughter of Eilath, she used to be on her father's side and battle Cardmaster, but after her biological mother died in the battle to destroy her father, she was forgiven by Eilath. Made entirely out of dwemer metal and gears, she is the goddess of ideas and her lost race of elves. She tries to act tough, but is a loving person beneath all those garden plates. Books are her obsession. She has a particularly hard time getting along with Arson. [Bisexual] (TES: Skyrim) (@ghalind)

Frenalti: [22] Before Eilath met Dissonantia, she had many, many of them was a elven fisherman who didn't care about the consequences of his actions when trifling with the gods. He seduced Eilath, and impregnated her with Frenalti. After his son was born, the elf didn't bother to met him. Enraged when she found out the news a year later, Dissonantia punished Frenalti's father by preventing him of having children...via castration. Frenalti himself doesn't think about his actions before doing them, and is highly impulsive. After some minor incidents of the past, Dissonantia finds him as a reminder of his father, and also finds it difficult to get along with her new step-son. [Pansexual] (TES: Skyrim) (@ghalind)

Arson: [23] Created from an artificial womb that was made by Dissonantia, she was meant to be the evil counterpart of Noah and Armina. Faster, stronger and smarter than both combined, yet she knows how to control herself. Long black hair, tan skin and cyan eyes. Inherited her mother’s powers and is able to control any device, including sentient robots and mechs such as the robots from Horizon: Forbidden West. She is also able to spread viruses by hacking. [?]

Thompson "Tommy" Jones: [21] Son of Dissonantia and Monica. Skilled fighter with a preference for unarmed fighting, inhuman strength and stealth from Dissonantia. Capable of reforming in his bedroom in Dissonantia's dimension after death, with no marks from the cause of death (this does not include injuries that fully heal before his death, which can leave scars that remain). He is reckless from his stubborn immortality. He often tries to pull pranks on his siblings, but is either stopped by Arson or his plans backfire. Hates Bright with a burning passion due to him remembering past incidents, just like the rest of Dissonantia's children. Blue eyes, hort black hair and fair skin tone. [?]

Fluonia: [23] Created with her sister in an artificial womb, she is the rival of Apollonia and Akeldama. Her hunger and thirst for blood is what makes her far more dangerous than the sisters, and she often needs help to control it. She can spread almost all diseases in existence and within a few seconds, she can create a new one or cease one out of existence. With her mother’s inheritance of power, she can bend bones, blood and flesh to use as a weapon. Short and black hair, pale skin and red eyes. [?]

Kotokata, demon samurai of Dissonantia: [22] After Aku was slain, Dissonantia secretly took a piece of his essence and fused it with her own blood to create her new daughter, one who's power rivals her own mother's. Japanese, with styled jet black hair with blue highlights, pale and rosey skin, and brown eyes. She wears dark makeup, and uses a black tar "jumpsuit" similar to that of Aku's daughters. She has similar powers that are shown in the show, but can morph her body to have up to 14 arms. Uses the same white mask as the Cult of Aku. She can use multiple weapons, knows Krav Maga, Karate, Kung Fu, Judo, Taekwondo, Jiu-Jitsu and Muay Thai, and can perform basic and advance magical casting and dance fighting. She also inherited her mother's legendary long katana, made out of godsbane, after she finished her god-level training. [?]

Scatterbrain, also known as Turquoise-Rosey, "Tu-Qu Ro", and Mivera Alto: [22] Mivera was born into a wealthy Zaunite Piltover family as the youngest and brightest child. At the age of 6, she was a skilled tinker and engaged in all sorts of programs and projects at her school. But when she accidentally caused an explosion that nearly killed her mother, her parents stopped supporting her dream of becoming an inventor. This resulted in Mivera becoming rebellious as she matured, lashing out at her parents and sister, causing problems at school and in public. When her parents finally had enough of her antics, her father disowned her, causing the young teen to snap and attack him, and she was sent to a mental institution. After two years living in the institution, suffering from mental breakdowns, hearing voices, seeing hallucinations of her parents, and spiraling down the path of insanity, Mivera lost herself and became scatterbrained, hence her new nickname. When the nurses were giving her medication, Mivera broke out and never returned to the institution or her family. Now, out in the streets living her best life eating junk food and dark chocolate, inventing her personal weapons of mass destruction, and reading news about Jinx and her own crimes, Scatterbrain doesn't plan to ever return to her old life soon, not even after running into her older sister after helping Jinx with a "prank" and getting arrested. Light tan skin, crazy light blue eyes, and long, flowy and soft turquoise-to-pink twin pigtails. She dresses in a "rebel" fashion, and wears pastel gothic makeup. Although she unhinged and unpredictable, Scatterbrain would get a "tick" once in a while, her old self resurfacing, uncharacteristically sobbing or reflecting on what she did wrong. Scatterbrain met Jinx again after being escaping from prison and they soon started dating, falling into a "I love you and I trust you to never aim a gun at my face" type of romance. She invented a pair of rocket roller skates that help her move faster when escaping from the police, a hextech katana that slices through almost any material called "Chopper", twin laser pistols that have adjustable scopes and fuzzy dice AND both can expand and merged into a sniper rifle called "Twinsies"/"Birdie", a portable machine gun named "Tick", and a hextech rocket/missile launcher that she named "Pig Fryer".[Bisexual/Asexual] (League of Legends/Arcane)

Desalmada ("Soulless" in Spanish): [20] The Daughter of Dissonantia, Nobody and No One (@ghalind). As she grew older, she became inspired by her mother's clothing and became a detective, helping out with millions of criminal cases in the world, and returning more than a hundred missing person's back to their families. She has the power to enter security camera/VHS footages and examine the surrounding area within the tape, as if she was there at the moment of the scene happening (e.i. going into a "supposed recording of a ghost caught on camera" and check if there was a ghost at all or if it was invisible wires). Has the ability to turn "anti-memetic". Long brown hair in a bun, tan skin and hazel eyes, and is often seen wearing a trench coat and wide brim hat. [Bisexual/not interested]

The Zombie Princess: [20?] After her parents were seemingly killed in the nuclear blast, They risen back up from the dead, just in time for the Zombie Queen to give birth to her child. 20 years passed, and the zombie outbreak has spread across the east side of America, led by the Zombie King and his family. The Princess has similar appearance to her mother, but has a shaved head and her skin isn't as rotten. She's also extremely fast and agile, and knows how to handle weapons like guns and grenades, and can speak broken English. [?] (Army of the Dead)

Eshe Evermoore: [20] She was one of the passengers on the plane that was unfortunately bitten by Eightball, and fled before the explosion after the plane landed. After making it back to her apartment before sunrise, she started searching on the internet for a reason why she started losing hair and why her teeth were suddenly sharper. Before she turned, she had black hair, blue eyes and tan skin. After, she became bald and has to wear wigs, her eyes turned yellow and her skin became pale. Just like traditional vampires, Eshe can't be in sunlight or be exposed to ultraviolet light, has superhuman strength and agility, and has to drink blood for nutrients which also makes her more aggressive. [Bisexual/not interested] (Blood Red Sky)

Novastar, the Black Witch: [20] During the fight between Kirby & Elfilis vs the Great One, as Planet Popstar and Earth were merging into one another, a young girl was sucked into the alien planet and separated from her parents. Afraid and alone in the distant land, the child encountered a being of dark matter but a heart of gold, a witch made from sentient orbs of gemstones. Taking pity on the strange child, the witch took her in and raised her, naming the girl Novastar, or "Nova" for short. The gemstone witch taught the girl everything she knew about magic and how to control it, and when the time came for the novice witch to adventure out into the land of Popstar, the gemstone witch fused herself and Nova together so that they'll never be apart. As Nova grew older, her magic grew. She eventually encountered Meta Knight and allowed him to train her in swordsmanship. Novastar is a young woman with long, curly black hair, fair skin, and rose-colored irises. Her attire consist of regal short and black dress most witches in Fantasy media wear, and welds a dark crescent staff that is able to change forms, from a long sword to a shield, with each form having a circular violet crystal embedded into it. The gemstone witch's hands and head are visible behind Nova, still sentient with the witch's soul. At will, the hands can turn into large bat wings to help Nova fly and can produce pink crystal orbs that explode upon impact. Nova can teleport at will using the wings, much like Meta Knight. Novastar also has the ability to absorb dark matter into her being to increase her power. She had a few run-ins with Kirby, but she respects the little squishy ball of love enough to not get into a fight with him. [?] (Kirby and the Forgotten Land)

Hosanna, Shadow Queen of Utter Destruction: [19] Dissonantia’s biological daughter that she created after accidentally using magic on herself. She is planning to use the shadow demon to bring chaos into all dimensions if any of her plans backfire. Made out of the darkness, void and all sentient shadows, with white glowing eyes and sharp teeth. Feeds on people’s shadows in order to gain more power. She is currently in a deep sleep within Dissonantia, and will be awoken if there is no other choice but for Dissonantia to sacrifice herself. [?]

Azure the Clown: [22] As the daughter of Batty the Clown (@ghalind) and Dissonantia, Azure has her own twisted way to cause chaos. Her shenanigans are either harmless and fun, or downright insane and deadly. Despite being an unhinged reality bender, Azure is a cuddly sweetheart...when she wants to be. With her dark sea blue and white color scheme, the jester is the typical "white-face" clown, with a outfit similar to Harley Quinn's in Arkham Knight, but different ranges of blue, black and white, and glittery. Under her leather harness is a white shirt with puffy short sleeves attached to it, with black leather and bolted cuffs. She wears long blue and white striped fingerless gloves and pantyhose. For shoes, she has jester slippers with fuzzy white pom-poms on the curved points. Azure's bioluminescent-turquoise-blue curly hair is in twin pigtails, and she adorns a blue and white striped top hat, with a lavender-gold dyed feather attached to its black band. Her white face paint, black clown nose, unnaturally beautiful blue eyes and glittery makeup is actually her face, which she can alter to make it disappear or reappear. She can morph her body to appear more human, or more nightmarish. Azure may be happy and uncannily happy all the time, but there are some moments where she becomes uncharacteristically sad to relate to someone, furious over something she doesn't like, or extremely confused or scared (funnily enough, only Dissonantia can drive fear into the young clown's heart when she is in deep trouble). Carries a comically large green and purple hammer. She often hangs around her mom, or goes and drives around different parts of the globe with her fast food/ice cream truck that she named "The Eye Candy!".

Gemmariah Abdiel Dragonsbane: [22] "Adopted" by the Duke, Edmun Dragonsbane, when she was no more than a begging rat in the Slums at the age of 10. After she was cleaned up and dressed, the Duke presented Gemma to Aelinore, who was thrilled to have a daughter to take care of. But as the girl matured, she didn't feel at home, and felt the need to work her fingers off to get Edmun's affection, so she volunteered to become a servant and her mother's handmaid. The Duke allowed this to go into effect, and so she became a maid, cleaning up around her parents' bedroom and her father's study (with his permission), attending to her mother's requests and commands (rarely), and retrieve food and supplies from the market stalls for the kitchen. Her dirty blonde and short hair grew and became a beautiful golden blonde; her emerald green eyes now shine with brilliance and purity; thin, boney limbs became fatter and added curves to her figure, from a malnourished pale to a fair tan. As her uniform, she either wears a cotton maiden dress with a green long skirt and long sleeve shirt with brown flats, or a black and leather brown tavern dress with working boots. Julien has a rather concerning interest in her, most likely due to his stay at the Salvation cult and thinking she may be a good virgin sacrifice to Grigori. [Straight] (Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen)

Herja, chaotic neutral Goddess of Music, Sirens, Neutrality and Devastation: [22] While Eilath and Dissonantia (disguised as the gentleman from earlier, who's name turned out to be Sonar) were fighting in a battle between good and evil, Eilath ended up giving birth to her daughter after nine months of being pregnant. Herja, absorbing some of Dissonantia's magic, grew up into a young warrior in a heartbeat, helping her parents slay down the enemy as a last attempt to protect Eilath. Herja is insanely strong with a cunning intellect, and rather listen to both sides of the argument before coming up with a solution to fix the problem. Sirens of the ocean are the same way, and thus Herja rules over them. Long brown hair, fair skin and icy blue eyes of Skyrim's waters. She speaks in a Nordic/Slavic accent, and appears to be a Nord, despite Dissonantia being Mexican and Eilath an Imperial. [?]

Draconigena/"Gena": [21] a "dragonborne" girl that is the daughter of Grigori and Dissonantia. Covered in head to toe in crimson-scarlet scales, minus most of her delicate fair-skinned face, front of her neck, collarbones and upper chest (her breasts are covered), Gena is adorned with glowing golden yellow irises, large leathery wings and a long arrow-tipped tail like her father's, the horns of her mother, sharp fingernails and small draconic feet to fit her size. She has flowing, curly black hair that reaches down her back. Just like her father, her heart is exposed and glows with every pulse, but has no connection to the Arisen whatsoever; however, due to her eldritch bloodline from Dissonantia, Draconigena can shapshift into any creature, as long as it is a hybrid of another animal and a dragon or serpent. She can change any limb to fit her current desire (ex: her left arm morphing into the head of a dragon of the same scale color, like Godrick the Grafted). She can even transform into a large wyvern or a dragon. Draconigena also has the ability to control and use magic to her advantage, and has some natural born spells that was passed down from Grigori. And due to her high intellect and wisdom, she has the ability to learn other spells and incantations. She often follows Graithrude (@the-dungeon-master-dragon) around, seeing her as an aunt, if she's not following her parents. Draconigena often travels to many different fantasy worlds to explore their contents and interact with the inhabitants, such as the world of Dungeons and Dragons, Game of Thrones, League of Legends, Dragon Age, and so on. She likes visiting her native home of Gran Soren (Dragon's Dogma) and the Lands Between (Elden Ring) the most, often accompanying her father or talking with Godrick the Grafted/Golden (views him as a crazy but funny uncle). For a young lady Draconigena is quite mature and soft-spoken, not daring to raise her voice unless she reaches a breaking point. Although she is handy with all weapons, Gena favors archistaves since she can channel her powers easier by using the staff as an arcane focus. She has immunity towards dark and holy magic, but finds the cold unbearable - her scales act as protection against fire-breath spells. Speaking of armor, she doesn't bothering wearing any - all Draconigena wears is sorceress robes. Metal armor is uncomfortable for her and scratched against her scales too much, so she needs soft fabric to cover herself. [?/not interested, but wouldn't mind a platonic relationship] (Elden Ring/Dragon's Dogma/Dungeons and Dragons/Skyrim/Dragon Age: Inquisition/any fantasy media)

Yeong, Jengri's son, half-skilled Hwarang member that's following the footsteps of Kotokata: [17] Born to Dissonantia from Jengri's womb, Yeong grew up with the agility of a cat and the strength of a bull, destined to be a skilled warrior like his older sister, Kotokata... except he was a terrible one, clumsy and often missing his targets during practice. With Kotokata's help, he gradually got the rank of Pungwolju. Jet black hair, fair skin, dark red irises, and a lean body. Is often seen in his dark purple violet armored jumpsuit, hanging around his mom or Kotokata. [Bisexual]

Quinn, Daisy's daughter, ex-swabbie and now sailing master: [17] Born to Dissonantia from Daisy's womb, Quinn's childhood memories were filled with the open seas and being with her mom on journeys across the seven seas. But, since she is the youngest on the crew, she was given the rank of swabbie, mopping the decks of her captain's ship. After some time with her new job, she was tired of the lack of freedom and took a Viking trip with her older sister Herja, and it gave her the adrenaline that she wanted. Quinn followed Herja to the deepest caves, to the vast oceans, in search of knowledge. She studied the continents and the cultures within them, and when she want back to her ship, she was promoted to Sailing master. Dark blonde hair in twin braids, light brown eyes and tan skin. She is often seen in her adventure outfit or viking clothes, hanging around her mom, Herja or Yeong. [Bisexual]

Brenda Morterero de Madrigal: [17, adopted] After the events of Encanto, Bruno Madrigal adopted Brenda Morterero, an enthusiastic and carefree orphan who's bored parents left her behind to leave village and explore the world beyond the mountain boundary. Brenda has wild and curly dark chocolate colored hair with a few neatly kept strands of hair, tan skin and dark brown eyes, with dark freckles covering her face and body (she likes to call them "stars"). At her own ceremony, Brenda's door showed her with many hands and eyes around her glowing carving, and she was gifted the power to see and communicate with spirits, and ask for their aid when needed. With her newfound abilities and her father's visions, Brenda helps lay angered souls to rest, keeping the village safe from curses and bad omens. She often wears a black ruana over a white blouse, a long emerald green skirt, black sandals, and has different flowers in her hair. When she is in the presence of a spirit, her eyes glow green like Bruno's, but switches to a bioluminescent blue once she makes contact with the ghost. She gets along with her step-cousins and her step-aunts and uncles, but Alma doesn't completely trust her yet due to Brenda's unpredictable nature. Brenda is a faithful christian, and has a sweet tooth for chocolate with chopped almonds and sea salt. She is also depicted as a witch or demon among some of the superstitious members of the community since she also has psychic powers such as telekinesis, viewing the past and mind reading, and can use ghostly limbs to grab and interact with items, attack and defend, and provide traveling support (reach higher places, use as a platform, etc), and leave eye markings that she can use to see the area where the "eye" is located, similar to modern day security cameras. Her room is a dark and enchanted forest, with the largest tree looming over her bed, the branches covered in vines with flowers. [?] (Disney's Encanto)

Isolabella: [16] After Hera disowned her at birth due to how monstrous she looked and how much pain she caused Hera during birth, her mother threw her out of Mount Olympus and she landed in a swamp. Years past and the goddess’s anger and hatred for Jane grew and grew. Her rage made her the Goddess of Revenge and Disownment. Sea-green eyes (with her left having two irises), pale skin, and navy blue hair. Has a burn mark on the bottom right of her face. Wears a skull as a mask. Secretly is a helper of Dissonantia. [Pansexual] (Greek Mythology)

Autumn & April: [17] Twin sisters. Autumn has green eyes, and has curly orange hair with black highlights, while April has brown eyes, and straight black hair with orange highlights; That's how you can tell them apart. Both are religious and good moraled.

Charlie Richard Brewer, Spiritual Butterfly Sorcerer: [17] When he learned of the dark magic the sorceress of the forest once had used, curiosity got the better of his common sense and the poor boy learned of alchemy, and the ability to conjure bloodthirsty larvae into existence. The monsters of the forest weren't enough. As he grew, he experimented on dead, hallowed animals and, eventually, humans. Bear in mind, Charlie isn't researching with ill intent. Morbid curiosity led to him creating different ways to control the butterflies, and he promised to use them for good. Curly, short and brown hair, fair skin, and dark hazel eyes. Had gained the powers the sorceress once had. (Creepy Tale 1&2)

Kamiwa Koko: [15] She used to be a human until she was attacked and severely wounded by a demon, but she fought back, its blood falling onto her wounds. After she retreated to a safe location, the blood from the demon had fully changed her into a demon, and grew boney and charred, membrane-less wings that resemble spindly hands on her back. She was cursed by the demon lord after a brief battle with him, a curse that causes any human to go into a frenzy madness once they laid their eyes on her. This prompted her to wear a white sheet over herself, appearing as if she was a cartoonish ghost, cutting holes for her eyes and wings. After running away from the Demon Slayer Core and hiding in the mountains, she started training herself in the breathing styles and blood demon arts, and learned how to forge her own nichiren katanas, odachi swords longer than her entire body. In order to gain more strength, she hunts humans to kill, cook, and eat their flesh. She has long and lush black hair, sunken light brown eyes with slit pupils, sharp teeth, a long tongue, pale skin, and a thin frame. The wings on her back act as an extra pair of arms and hands so she doesn't show her normal ones. She does run into the Demon Slayer Core time and time again, but often sticks around the main characters so she can talk to Tanjiro Kamado's younger sister, Nezuko. [Demisexual] (Demon Slayer series)


Enjoli Rose Brewer, Blind Goddess of Chaos: [12]

-Blind, but able to see using echolocation and floor vibrations

-Can sense other organisms' energies, including spirits of any kind.

-Psychological powers: telekinesis, teleportation, mind reading, reality bending/warping, mind altering/damaging, precognition, psychokinesis, combat perception, telepathy, mind manipulation, emotional manipulation, Invisiblility, Extrasensory perception, Psychometry, Levitation, pyrokinesis, aquakinesis, Geokinesis, aerokinesis, flight, remote viewing, Atmokinesis, kinetic magic, divination, Illusions, conjuration, healing, meta magic/almighty magic.

-Physical powers: superhuman strength, acid blood, high metabolism, photographic memory, high agility, sight through echolocation and environmental vibrations.

-Appearance: frail, pale, shaven head, tattoo of subject's number on the back of head, pale eyes without any color, hospital gown, bare foot, 10 year old, female, almost malnourished due to refusing to eat, can and will cause injuries and damages to herself in order to appear abused. After escaping the expermiental facility she was in, she was seen wearing a hospital gown, covered in blood. After her hair grew back, and her skin started to show some color, it was revealed that she had brownish copper hair and fair skin. Grows up to be a beautiful and angelic woman, with a hobby of causing mayhem around science and testing facilities.

-Nothing can restrain her. Always manages to escape. Managed to destroy SCP-475 and -3667 by Divine Force Manipulation and Demonic Force Manipulation.


Clark: [6] Younger brother of Autumn and April, who is a human with black short hair, green eyes and fair skin.

Debbie and Annie: [5] Fraternal twin sisters (Debbie has blonde hair in a bob, blue eyes and pale-rosey skin, and Annie has red hair with blue eyes and pale skin) that are both ventriloquist dummies, like their older sisters.

Argona: [25] A Thunderbird harpy that is a skilled hunter and fast flyer that can soar at neck breaking speeds, with a wingspan of over twenty-six feet, is able to produce lightning and control the weather. She wouldn’t mind feasting on her own kind’s flesh and eggs. Large and tall, with jet black feathers and tail that shine a blue glaze in the sunlight, sharp talons and teeth, short and black pixie hair, heavy breasts, fair skin with a complete torso (small waist with big hips and fat thighs, mimicking a beautiful woman's perfect figure despite eating more than her body weight every winter before hibernation), a wide and unnerving smile for a mouth, and soulless black eyes. She is currently taking care of @fanofrandomawesomeness's OCs Gaia, Maia and her son Josie, and Ayia, who are three sirens that nearly killed George (@fanofrandomawesomeness), in her nesting hole. [?] (Dungeons and Dragons/Dragon's Dogma)

SADIE MADIE: [?] A version of Huggy Wuggy and Kissy Missy (but with long "hair", gray fur and two black buttons instead of a bow) who helps the protagonist of Poppy Playtime escape the factory and unlock its secrets, but her pessimistic and sorrowful personality often gets in the way, as she gives up too easily on some tricky riddles and puzzles, leaving the ex-employee to figure out the solution without her help. Sadie does, however, know the layout of the entire factory and how to operate the machines, so she does have some use. Due to being one of the expermients of the factory, she has gotten some heavy trust issues and PTSD, and can lead to her to freaking out and attacking the main character out of fear. So, I advise to stay out of arms reach. Sadie also had the same anatomy as Huggy Wuggy, and unfortunately, she also has the eyes behind her plastic ones... [?] (Poppy Playtime)

Experimental Alien Xenomorph 479, "X-479"/ "Rae Hopkins": [?] Raised and created in a lab all her life, the hybrid was taken inspiration from the Ellen Ripley clone, Ripley 8. But instead of another clone from the same human, the scientists used a different victim--a little girl--and mutated, fused and grew the specimen in a testing tube until she was old enough to be experimented on, engineered to be a future queen. She has a biomechanical suit similar to regular Xenomorphs, but with a more human frame, and strong enough to protect her inner human skin and organs. She still has the claws and clawed feet of her alien kind, dorsal tubes and the flat bladed tail, but her head has a smaller cylindrical skull that has ridges/spikes, with a hard and durable clear shell on top. She still has her human face, but there's thin tubes that run over her cheekbones and into her nostrils to help her to breathe in space, or any vacuum for that matter, for a limited amount of time. Her (red cell) blood is still acidic, and she can open her jaws wide enough to allow her second mouth to reveal itself. Both of her "hands" have six digits. Due to being part human, she still required to fullfil her basic needs of eating, staying hydrated and sleeping. Done with the constant abuse, she broke out of her chains and made her escape, causing the deaths of the occupants of the space ship she was on, and fleeing the shuttle through an escape pod, safely landing on Earth... waiting the arrival of her brethren. [?] (Alien & Predator media franchises)

"Mimic": [ageless] a wooden life size doll, that is a DND Mimic inside of the mannequin. She will eat ANYTHING that she can get her mouth on, and eats her living meals whole. [?] (Dungeons and dragons)

"Collector": [ageless] a mannequin that collects various body parts and objects to make dolls. Automatically knows the design and materials of broken machines and toys so that she can repair them right away. Has two metal mechanical arms on her back where the shoulder blades are supposed to be, and wears a backpack to hold the items she collects. Her jaw breaks open in two parts and hides a long proboscis-like tongue. ((Original idea: A 7-foot-tall puppet-mannequin with long needle like arms on her "shoulder blades" and regular arms. Her body is made out of rotten wood, and she has thin almond shaped eyes holes that glow an eery green, and a ventriloquist dummy's mouth that splits into two parts (like the Jack in the Box from Krampus), revealing sharp teeth and saliva covered gums. She walks around normally, but if needed to catch prey, she gets on her hands and feet backwards, and crawls on all fours at high speeds. She spends all her time searching for materials to create new dolls, puppets, dummies, and mannequins.)) [?] (Doll horror)

Retribution: a mechanical and elegant centipede woman, with six torsos (12 arms)/six abdomens (12 legs) attached to one another and cover in bullet proof black metal, and a gaping mouth like the ballerina from The Cabin in the Woods -- hidden an eyeless face of the same material as the rest of her. Represents me finally having enough with ----'s abuse, and fighting back, only it changed me for the worst. After (@fanofrandomawesomeness) helped me through my pain, Retribution became less aggressive.

Servant: a dying woman with spider legs for arms and her feet grinded into needle points, constantly moaning in pain. Her blindfolds remove her ability to see and the shackles around her ankles weigh her down. Represents how I felt when I met -----: pushed around and taken advantage off, being naive and stupid for letting my OCs get hurt. When (@fanofrandomawesomeness) showed me the love and compassion of a friend, Servant became less skiddish.

Emma: [16] a young farmer and animal handler. Black hair in a high ponytail, tannish skin, and brown eyes. Wears a orange hoodie, with a green tunic underneath, comfy shorts and sandals. She trains every day and imagines that she is in her own Manhunts; after 3 years of constant preparation, Emma is fit and strong. Inspired by The Dream Team. [Demi/demi] (Minecraft)

Nix de Pearla: [19] A half human, half enderman woman that found herself in the over world, with no memory of how she got there or why. Long black-violet black hair that almost reaches the ground, fair skin, and black, star filled eyes with royal purple irises. Tall and skinny. Wears a black turtle neck sweater and beanie, with black jeans. Practices Enderman magic. Inspired by Ranboo. [Demisexual] (Minecraft)

Moony the Moobloom: [20] a centaur that woke up in a forest not far from Emma's ranch, and she doesn't remember why or how she got there. Long brown hair, green eyes and tan skin, and floppy yellow cow ears. Her lower half is that of a yellow Moobloom, with flowers growing on her. Made herself a small hut and a large farm to feed her plant based diet. [Bisexual] (Minecraft)

Brim: [20] A half-piglin woman who woke up in the Nether with no memory of who she is. None of the other Piglins were hostile to her. After bumping into Emma and Nix while they were getting some gold, and was persuaded to exit the Nether through the portal (and thankfully didn't turn into a zombie), Brim decided to live with Emma and built herself a nice home, decorated with materials from the Nether, and spends her time forging new weapons. Pink toned skin around her arms, hands, legs, and large pig hooves, white and braided hair with streaks of gold and burgundy, yellow-golden eyes, and an underbite, with some of her teeth and one tusk covered in gold. Inspired by Technoblade from the Dream SMP. [Straight] (Minecraft)

Ghastlier: [20] Like Brim, Ghastlier woke up in the Nether with no memory of what happened to her. Her first reaction was to cry, as if she was a baby out of their mother's womb. After calming down, she searched her hellish home and found a Nether portal, and entered it. Ghastlier found herself in the overworld, within the borders of Emma's farm. As a half-Ghast girl, she has the natural born ability to fly in the air and levitate off of the ground, bend and cast fire (and fire related magic spells), and spit out fire balls. She has near floor length straight white hair that covers her face entirely, pale skin with the grey markings of a Ghast, and her eyes are completely black (when she gets angry, her hidden red pupils glow a bright crimson). She often sad and moody, and silently cries black tears. Friends with Emma, Nix, Moony, and Brim. Daughter of Dissonantia and Ghost (@the-shattered-blog). [Ace/Aro] (Minecraft)

Bladed Tail Titan/"Blade": [60 meters/adjustable height] A Titan of unknown origins that can reach a maximum of 60 meters tall. Her skin is a deep red, covered by thick mucus and saliva. Although her eyes are visible at a distance, they're deep within her eye sockets, nearly blinding the Titan as the mucus covering her body tends to cover her vision. Her body appears to be from a lean female, with lanky limbs that have sharpen end points, forcing her to move like a spider. Her spine stretches out to form a tail with a large and thin bladed tip. The Titan bears a hideous face, tightened around her skull, with a gaping mouth full of sharp teeth and an expandable proboscis-like tongue that she uses to grab objects, stab for defense and as a straw; attached to a neck that can stretch at any distance. She is one of the three Titans to adjust her size and consume organisms and food for energy, often staying at a small height to raid people's houses for rations. The bigger the Bladed Tail Titan is, the harder it is to move without stumbling. She is unable to speak English, and can only communicate to Spine Titan and the Winged Titan.

Arched Spine Titan/"Jessica": [60 meters/adjustable height] A woman that was subjected to expermients and physical and sexual abuse, was changed into the Arched Spine Titan via the the injection of the Titan serum. She looked more like a animal-human hybrid, walking on all fours, with her rear legs bend like a dog's, and her toes forming into claws and the heels becoming sharpen thorns. The "tail" of her spine grew, and sprouted long hair. Thin and large membrane wings formed on her back, near the shoulder blades. Like her name suggests, her upper back is arched, and far too big for her to walk upright. Her neck elongated to hold her head, and she often has a tired expression on her face, partially covered by her long black hair that trails down the nape of her neck. Unlike the other two titans, the Arched Spine Titan can speak fluent English, and prefers to stay at a decent size to be able to walk around with humans. She is a pacifist, and her movement, speech and thought process are slow, making her a gentle giant.

Winged Head Titan/"Angel": [60 meters/adjustable height] A prostitute subjected to the serum changed into a winged Beast Titan after consuming one of the Titan shifters that had the beast Titan in them. A woman with large snowy owl wings for hair and talons for fore arms and lower legs, she looks like bird woman Silene, although the Titan is unable to return to her human form. While the rest of her body is seemingly human (minus her large white feathered tail), her face is a whole another story: she adores owl features, with almond shaped, shiny black eyes, a slightly flattened nose and a wide grinning mouth with needle sharp teeth. When she's the height of a normal human, she often tries to lure men into dark alleyways, offering sexual services, but instead eats them until she was caught and forced to stop, and learn to eat "normally" if she'll ever pick up a fork properly. She can speak some English, but it's often small sentences or broken. The Titan prefers to fly rather than walking because of the bad habit of hopping or bobbing her head like a bird.

Nicolette Chamberlain, the Angelic maid of Elizabeth Milford: [ageless]

- Virgo: the physical appearance of my zodiac sign to help me cope with my love life, either with patience or with obsession. A woman with long, curly, purple hair, eyelashes, lips and eyebrows, titanium white skin and eyes, lavender silk dress, and flowers grow wherever she steps. Her "corrupted form" is that of a horned, eyeless woman with four wings, gold and pale teal skin, insect like feet, and a golden, rusted halo above her head.

- Virtue(s): the physical and spiritual appearance of an angel that helps strengthen my bond with God and my faith. Long and golden hair that reaches the floor, eyes that show the heavens that are hidden behind a blindfold, fairest skin, 21 (7+7+7) large wings of white doves, and a robe of purest white. Is never evil. Is never tempted. Is able to control the elements of the earth.

- Karma: the physical and spiritual appearance of a "guardian demon" that delivers punishment those who do me wrong, and protects me at night. Short, dark fur that makes her appear as a wild beast that covers her shoulders and mid-back, shiny wine colored eyes, horns that stand straight up with sharp tips, claws and toe nails that can cut steel, teeth sharper than the sharpest sword, membrane-less wings still covered with dark sea-green skin, and a long tail that is much thicker than a rat's. Often walks on all fours, and snarls and growls like a rabid dog.

The Nun of the Spiral, aka Mother Umbrosa Imperatrix: [?] Born into existence by Dissonantia, tasked with spreading as much corruption and chaos as possible, the reality bender Mother Umbrosa is an "angelic" nun in a completely white uniform, with gold laces and a golden cross around her neck. Don't let her heavenly appearance fool you, she is ruthless and dangerous, hellbent on disrupting the peace on Earth. One of her tactics is to sexually woo humans (mostly men, especially husbands/boyfriends) into having sex with her, whether it's simple oral or intercourse, and if these men have spouses, she will leave physical or recorded evidence for their partners to find. After the whole affair, she'll leave for nine months then comes back with a little "bundle of joy" in her arms, presenting to the father, only for him to be horrified that it's a dead corpse, bloody entrails, or a decapitated head, all wrapped up in a blanket (she doesn't have the ability to bear children, fortunately). After the Imagined (a faction I created to help SCPs escape the Foundation to start a new life in a society where creations and creators alike live in harmony) was able to stop the continuous loop (also know as the Spiral) in SCP Foundation: Secret Laboratory, she popped out of the blue and started to cause mayhem, going to universes to multiverses, spreading chaos wherever she can reach. Black eyes with gold-red irises, fair skin, long honey blonde hair, a pair of magnificent angel wings, and a curvy and busty figure. She is extremely aggressive towards other women and female SCPs, to the point where she harasses them on a daily basis. Umbrosa carries a bible that has blank pages, boiled holy water in tiny glass vessels, And a wide range of magical abilities and spells to bring down her enemies. [?]

Fumiko: [27] Fumiko was a regular swan being kept at the Safari Zoo who was one of the bird test subjects. Like the rest of the animals, she grew a human face, except her's has elegant and pleasant facial features that placed the rest of the animals to shame. While she does not like humanity as much as the others, Fumiko didn't believe ALL humans deserved to die. But she also wasn't going to risk an "ally" munching on her wings if she was caught helping human survivors, so Fumi, along with several other birds and animals, stayed at the Zoo and formed a neutral organization of Jinmen. Instead of hunting humans, the carnivorous animals killed any hostile Jinmen that wandered into their territory, while herbivores and omnivores feast on plants (and meat, from time to time). The group allowed any humans to pass on through, but were warned that they'll have limited time to stay and rest. While most of the test subjects lazed around and enjoyed their new freedom, several of the intelligent ones started working on a vaccine for the virus. The results were different for each animal: some went back into their original animal form but kept their intelligence, others grew into were-beast like hybrids like the Junmen, or grew prettier faces. But a rare few became could contort into all three phases; Fumiko turned into one of them, along with a peaco*ck named Fuji. Together, as mates, they plan to raise a nest of chicks, starting the second generation of Jinmen. Fumiko is a swan with white feathers. In her Jinmen form, she has the head of a beautiful Japanese woman, with dark brown eyes and pale skin, her plumage forming two arches over her eyebrows and going halfway down the bridge of her nose. In her Junmen form, however, Fumi looks more like the mythical Harpy, with her wings as taloned arms, longer and slender legs with bird feet, and a long slender neck where her head is attached. When her genes mutated, she also gained the ability to shapeshift into a human, growing luscious black hair and a busty hourglass figure. In this stage, Fumi can dress herself in fashionable clothes (preferably formal outfits and beautiful, skimpy dresses) and wears makeup to mimic the features of a swan. [Straight] (Jinmen manga)

Fuji: [28] Fuji was a peaco*ck being kept at the Safari Zoo who was one of the bird test subjects. Like the rest of the animals, he grew a human face, except his has elegant and pleasant facial features that placed the rest of the animals to shame. Although he used to loath the human race, Fuji listened to Fumiko's speech about how yes, the humans were wrong to place them in so much pain, but not all of them were bad at heart. He was moved by her words, and pledged his loyalty to her and helped to create the new organization of neutral animals. When he was injected with the new vaccine, Fuji became one of the rare few that have the three different stages, plus the human mutation later on. After this, he did a mating ritual with Fumiko, winning her heart over with his magnificent feathers. Fuji is a male peaco*ck with beautiful blue plumage. In his Jinmen form, he has the head of a handsome Japanese man, with black eyes and pale skin, his plumage forming two arches over his eyebrows and going halfway down the bridge of his nose. In his Junmen form, however, Fuji looks more like the mythical Harpy, with his wings as taloned arms, longer and slender legs with bird feet, and a long slender neck where his head is attached. When his genes mutated, he also gained the ability to shapeshift into a human, growing short black hair and an athletic build. In this stage, Fuji can dress himself in luxurious suits and shirts, and adjust his hair to whatever style he wants. [Straight] (Jinmen manga)


After Savathun was killed, Dissonantia found her ghost and the Witch Queen's body, and revived her. After helping Savathun escape to the reality bender's dimension, Dissonantia offered to create an alliance with her, in exchange for some of the Queen's soldiers and her assistance in taking down the Witness. When that wasn't enough for the Hive Queen, Dissonantia offered to bear her offspring "of the finest genes", twins that would aid their mother willing loyalty and have far greater power than her. The deal was set, and the chaotic goddess now aims to help her new companion and her fallen home with balancing the Light and Darkness.

Zomuk, Son of Savathûn: [5 in Hive years] Born to Dissonantia and Savathûn, he grew to be a fine warrior and commander of his mother's armies. His exoskeleton serves as strong armor, hiding his more humanoid and muscular body within but placing weight on his wings, resulting in him flying at a slower pace. Just like his sister, he is the split image of the Witch Queen and the Ultimate Reality Bender, but his skeletal system is now covered with muscle and skin, making him resemble Dissonantia more. His eyes glow a sinister green, and his flesh is pale tone. After being tutored and trained in controlling the Light and Darkness, he combined his inherited magic from Dissonantia with his newfound knowledge and uses them in battle (when he isn't using his weapons). If his armor is broken or if he needs a disguise, he changes into a human version of himself that is still equally dangerous and cunning as his true form, his height changing from 19 feet tall to 5'10 ft, and he grows past shoulder-length black hair that is constantly floating and swaying as if he was underwater. Although he isn't a bad person at heart, and is understanding towards other species, his loyalty to his mother would be his downfall. [Straight] (Destiny 2: the Witch Queen)

Nesteth, Daughter of Savathûn: [5 in Hive years] Born to Dissonantia and Savathûn, she grew to be a strategic individual and scholar to aid her parents. Her exoskeleton and humanoid body are thinner than her twin brother's, as it wasn't meant for fighting, but rather to allow her to fly at faster speeds with her dragonfly-like wings. Just like her brother, she is the split image of the Witch Queen and the Ultimate Reality Bender, but her skeletal system is now covered with muscle and skin, making her resemble Dissonantia more. Her eyes glow a bioluminescent blue like Savathûn's, and her skin is a tinted blue. After being tutored and trained in controlling the Light and Darkness, she used her studies to aid her in stealing information for her mother and helping with battle plans. Her magic is her only way of defending herself, since her arms and back are too weak to support a heavy weapon. If her armor is broken or if she needs a disguise, she changes into a human version of herself that is still equally dangerous and cunning as her true form, her height changing from 18 feet tall to 5'7 ft, and she grows long black hair that is constantly floating and swaying as if she was underwater. She's isn't interested in conquering alongside her parents and would rather wasting her life away studying and reading every bit of information in the universe, but for the love of her mother and for the sake of the Hive, she will not hesitate to offer her life. [Straight] (Destiny 2: the Witch Queen)

SCP-4076/"Not a Deer"/"Ayala": [?] Found in the Great Dismal Swamp after being spotted by locals and hunters in southern Virginia, while surrounded by a herd of hundreds of deer, elk and moose, it was determined too hostile to be taken back to the Foundation after the MTF witnessed the deer mimic crushing one of their member's throat and devouring their insides, then hanging the upper torso on a sharp branch on a nearby tree. After carefully placing surveillance cameras around the area, they monitored her at a safe distance. They have recorded that the subject is able to shapeshift from three different forms: a black-coated doe with red eyes and scaly reptilian claws for her forelegs; the same deer body but with a woman's head, sporting long black hair and sharp antlers; and a centaur like body for the final form. The appearance of the creature has a noticable a long tail that has long hair at the end, and its human half/head has 6 feet long black hair, sharp 13-point antlers, red pupil-less eyes, sharp teeth, tan skin, and sharp nails. It is noted that she is an omnivore, but prefers meat and an estimated bite force of 1100 PSI. After a whitetail doe that was suffering from CWD and mercifully killed by the being, its fawn, a male, was immediately adopted by the SCP. The SCP is capable of mimicry, as she was observed to imitate human pleas and cries for help, calling over the fawn which she named "Tex", and has a seemingly high intellect to be able to create traps and locate some of the cameras. She is a skilled fighter in combat, as seen after the SCP defended her territory from wolves. [?]

Havuegle: [?] A Medusa that was cursed by her dead mother's patron, Sseth, and was forced to flee her village to escape the town's wrath. She now is a mercenary that travels all over the globe. Her appearance is similar to the Medusa from Clash of the Titans remake, but with a darker green tint on her scales. People don't automatically turn into stone when they see her face; Havuegle has to reveal her uglier form to them in order for that to happen. She is skiddish and untrustful at first, but will slowly become familiar the more time she spends with another individual. She uses a bow with poison-tipped arrows and a short sword. [?] (Dungeons and Dragons)

"The Gulp"/"Gulper"/"Lake Maiden": [?] A mutated whale hybrid that was made from a beluga, a whale shark, a leatherback sea turtle, an orca, a shark, and other unnatural sea monsters such as the sea beast from Warhammer 40K. The entire body has an uncanny look towards it: "it looked like a shark, but it was bumpy, the dorsal fin looked wrong, and the tail was horizontal, not vertical". The "flesh", which is a tough yet flexible thick exoskeleton that allows for swift movement, is a light beige. The monster's eyes glow a bioluminescent yellow, and closes its eyes while using echolocation during hunting hours. The maw of the beast is round to fit the rest of the body and large enough to swallow multiple people whole. Within the mouth are sharp orca teeth and a proboscis like tongue that is used to grapple onto the limbs of morsels. It uses a lure in the shape of a blonde brown-eyed woman, with her voluptuous torso mutated on top where the blowhole is supposed to be. When the beast isn't using the lure, it sucks the mimic into it's body, creating a fake blowhole on its head. It's the only part of the body that isn't hard. Both the lure and Gulper have separate minds and personalities, but coordinate and strategize with each other. As the monster feasts on unsuspecting victims, it continues to evolve. It looses its fins and dorsal fin on its back and grows meaty forelimb and hind legs to support its obese weight, with each digit on paws sporting sharp nails. It may not be able to run fast, but it is persistent. It is said that if you constantly feed the Gulper's extreme appetite every day for a year, it would serve you with undying loyalty. It respects others that are like them but bigger in size, and it is the only thing that keeps the beast in its place. [?] (Thasslophobia)

Nanarno/"the Blood Wolf": [?] A massive and hulking werewolf with blood red fur and glowing green eyes that appears in random locations to stalk and hunt prey. He is extremely intelligent and understands basic human language, even can speak one or two words to lure victims into the woods and away from civilization. He can run up top speeds of 60 mph, so you can't get away unless you have a vehicle with a full tank of gas. His howl is a mixture of a wolf, lion, and bear. Everytime he eats, he gets bigger in size, but Nanarno can shrink or grow automatically due to being a shapeshifter. He is currently in a "relationship" with a hunter who is trying to provide for his wife and young daughter in the winter, with Nanarno bringing dead animal and cryptid carcasses to feed them in exchange for some water and their warm carpet. [?]


Followers of the Nameless One: [1] a group of hackers, millionaires, celebrities, organisations of power, and high influencers from all over the world who worship an anonymous being that would grant them with further riches and power by running an organization that houses the most deadliest and evil creatures from mankind that should never see the light of day. They are secretly used for the being's own amusem*nt, watching as its servants risk their lives trying to contain the monsters behind walls of thin metal and glass. There are special guards called "the Secret Force" who dress in black business suits, red neckties, black dress shoes and wear anonymous face masks. They carry handguns at all times for "emergencies" (executing a worker, performing assassinations, etc.). [@41703invisiblemenace6801] (Cultist Simulator game/Lobotomy Corporation/the Cabin in the Woods)

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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.