Chrissy Part Two: A Smallara Side Story - Smallara (2024)

While this wasn’t the plan. I found it relaxing during the break to work on this. It’s just straight writing without the constraint of having to do an image or worry about what will be illustrated. It got a bit away from me. So this is a fully realized second part. Like the first one, it’s a complete story in the form of a follow-up taking place a short time after the events of Chrissy Part One. This isn’t an episodic series but hopefully you enjoy this tale for what it is. I figured I would post this a bit earlier than my usual time due to its length. As its about 26 main line Smallara episodes in length. This will make up for the shorter week next week with the fourth of july holiday in the U.S.


The minutes ticked by as Scott lay motionless in the soft bed, his body curled up defensively. The drawer on Chrissy’s nightstand stood slightly ajar, allowing slivers of sunlight to filter through and illuminate the room. Outside the bedroom window, birds chirped their cheerful melodies, but instead of finding comfort in their song, Scott felt a sense of dread wash over him. Each chirp sounded like a threat, a warning of danger lurking just beyond the walls. His heart raced at the thought of coming face to face with the once harmless songbirds now turned into ruthless predators. The mere peck of their sharp beaks or the sudden swoop from above could easily snatch him away, leaving him at the mercy of these fierce creatures. Every breath he took was filled with fear and anticipation, unsure of when or how the attack would come.

The world Scott found himself in was one vastly different than the one he left. He was shielded from these realities at Preema Tech where he spent the vast majority of his days locked in a small cage. Now having been purchased by Chrissy’s boyfriend Mike as a anniversary gift and gifted to her was a fact that wrestled in his head. He was something that this boy saved for, worked for, something he was doing as a token of his affection for what is now his owner.

The sparkle in Chrissy’s eyes as she beamed at him was like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. The idea of being saved, like he was some stray dog from the pound, made Scott feel uneasy. In that moment, he realized that he was owned by this teenage girl who had barely begun her journey through life. She was still discovering her identity and forging her path in high school, while he, on the other hand, was in his thirties and had already lived through the experiences she was just beginning to encounter.

He couldn’t deny the sting of humiliation in his chest. Despite his rigorous training that had prepared him for the harsh realities of life, Smallara had managed to steal something truly irreplaceable from him. The loss of height was one thing, but it was the loss of his humanity that cut deepest. No amount of preparation could have ever truly readied him for this moment. He may look like them, speak like them, and even smell like them, but he could never truly be human again. He was merely a shadow, a faded reflection of what he once was, forever changed by Smallara’s cruel actions.

In this form, one does not feel human. They are stripped of their control over destiny, place, and future. Their worth is measured and traded like a pack of rare Pokémon cards. They are trained and molded into something inhuman, generations raised to be nothing more than commodities. To their owners, they are cherished possessions to be protected and coddled. Chrissy, one such owner, showers her property with affectionate pets and kisses, though this love is not the same as that between partners or friends. It is unique, pure yet separate from other forms of love. Scott has come to know this intimately from his own experiences as an object of ownership. He understands that the bond between an owner and their property can be even greater than the love shown to another person. He has seen how people will risk their lives to save their beloved pets from danger, proving the depth of their attachment. But this type of love is different from what he once knew when he was still considered a human being with autonomy and free will. That kind of love was special and irreplaceable, now forever lost to him in his current state of existence.

Slowly, Scott rose from his bed, reveling in the newfound freedom of movement within the spacious drawer. It felt strange to have so much room after spending most of his life confined to a cage. This drawer that Chrissy had gifted him felt like a palace in comparison. Even the phone he used to watch shows on seemed larger than any television he had owned before becoming infected. The promise of more comforts and possessions felt overwhelming, almost too much for him to handle.

For the past few days, Scott had noticed a sock resting on Chrissy’s nightstand, its end slightly hanging over and into his home within the drawer. The sock was imbued with her scent, a constant reminder of his owner. He knew it wasn’t intentionally left there for him, but rather carelessly tossed or dropped by Chrissy at some point. Yet, its presence brought back memories from his youth, memories that were becoming harder to recall but resurfaced nonetheless.

He remembered a friend who would leave a sweatshirt in their pet’s bed as a way to hold onto their scent, acting as a comforting touchstone for the pet. At the time, Scott thought it was a silly act. Did animals really care about such things? Were they capable of missing their owners or feeling anxious without them?

He never expected to find himself pondering such thoughts or being in a position where he could actually dwell on them. While he didn’t yet have the same level of love and affection for Chrissy as his friend’s pet had for their owner, he did find comfort in her scent. It relaxed and eased his mind, making him wonder if this was part of his training or something more instinctual and genetic as a Little.

Perhaps all beings have moments where they reach out to their attachments – those who provide safety, love, and security – as a form of reassurance and comfort.

With a determined grip, Scott reached for the worn sock and used it as leverage to pull himself up onto the ledge. The once-tiny holes in the cotton fabric now served as perfectly placed footholds and handholds, carrying him higher and higher. A pang of sadness washed over him at the realization that his weight was not enough to fully pull the sock into his room. But he pushed those thoughts aside as he reached the top of Chrissy’s nightstand, peering out into the vastness of her bedroom. From this vantage point, he could see every corner, every detail, and it was exhilarating. He felt like a brave explorer standing on top of a mountain, surveying his kingdom below.

The room was modest in size, fitting for a teenager’s space. However, as Scott looked around, he couldn’t help but feel that it was much larger than the room he had as a child. Across from him, the bed lay empty and neatly made. He knew this was where Bruce usually spent his days, but Chrissy must have taken him downstairs before leaving for school. As he gazed at the spotless surroundings, Scott wondered if Diane, Chrissy’s mother, worked from home or if her husband Rick provided enough for her to be a stay-at-home mom. These thoughts seemed trivial in the grand scheme of things, but with all the time he had on his hands, they occupied his mind for brief moments. He couldn’t help but wonder where Bruce was now and how Chrissy took care of him during the day. Was he kept in a crate or kennel? Or did she take him outside for walks and playtime? The details may seem insignificant to some, but for Scott, they represented a sense of normalcy and family life that he longed for.

As he walked about her nightstand it was a surreal to see large everyday objects sitting so dominant before him. One of those Generitech AI assistants stood on her nightstand. It had a digital clock built into it. Scott had never owned one but had heard about them. They were starting to become popular before he contracted Smallara and in the time of his stay with Preema Tech they had boomed in popularity to being something everyone just has and uses as if it’s nothing.

“Lyla what time is it?” Scott said aloud to the digital assistant. He spoke her name again trying a second time having seen and heard Chrissy use it several times since she had brought him into her home.

“I’m sorry, I am unable to process requests from Little based lifeforms. Any further requests will be ignored.” Lyla said before returning to its lower power listening state. Scott sighed in a bit of disgust, but the result wasn’t unexpected. He knew that these devices were made to be used by his owner. He wondered if it had a little mode like her phone did or if it was just a device that was truly inaccessible to the likes of his kind.

Taking cautious steps towards the edge of the nightstand, he peered down at the small gap that separated it from Chrissy’s bed. The distance was minimal, barely a few inches, but to him it felt like a grand canyon. He took a deep breath and leapt across the gap, his tiny feet landing softly on the cloud-like surface of her bed. The sheets and comforters were made of the finest materials, boasting an incredibly high thread count. Despite his reduced size, he could still feel their slick and smooth texture against his skin. Even his minuscule weight caused the bedding to sink slightly, making every movement a challenge. Glancing back at the nightstand, he realized that while it may have been easy to jump over here, getting back would be nearly impossible. If only Chrissy had a lower quality bed or bedding, this task would be much simpler. But alas, she spared no expense for her comfort and luxury.

With determination, Scott pushed through the tangle of blankets and pillows towards the edge of the bed. But as he struggled, he realized that he was no longer near the nightstand like he thought. Instead, he was closer to the middle of the bed’s edge, a small figure in a vast expanse of fabric and sheets. Looking out across the room, it felt even larger now that he was reduced to such a tiny size. The normally mundane objects – desks, shelves, dressers, doors, and closets – loomed over him like giant beasts. He could see their intricate details, but they were far too large for him to use. The distance between himself and Chrissy, once merely human and little sister, had grown into an insurmountable gap.

Scott peeked over the edge of the bed and was taken aback by how far down it seemed to be. In his mind, he knew it was only a couple feet from the floor, but at his current size it felt like a daunting drop of nearly forty feet (12 meters). The realization hit him that he was truly stuck on the bed. He could see a small crease in the bedding, a possible path to freedom, but the risk of attempting such a feat was not worth it to him. There was a high chance he would end up injured or worse, and he had no desire to meet such a fate. His life was precious to him, even at this diminished size.

It was midafternoon when Scott heard the tremors of someone walking across the floor. Scott had found a fold in Chrissy’s bedding that allowed him to lean back and look out the window. Scott realized that he didn’t miss the outdoors although to be fair in his prior life he would have never been mistaken for an outdoorsman. He didn’t hunt, fish, or go camping really. He had done all those things before but none of them particularly interested him. He was always a bit of a homebody. This made his mind wander to his Lego collection. The peace of being free from Preema Tech and the relative safety he found himself living here. Allowed him to wonder for the first time just what happened to his things. He had a pretty large Lego collection. Hopefully someone took it and is caring for it he thought as the door to Chrissy’s room burst open.

The quick pitter-patter of Bruce’s excited footsteps echoed through the hallway as he followed Chrissy into her room. The sound of fabric rustling and the occasional clunking of hangers could be heard as she carried a large basket of laundry. Scott couldn’t help but notice how neat and orderly Chrissy’s room was, apart from the occasional forgotten pair of socks or shoes scattered on the floor. So it was a surprise when she simply dropped the basket in the middle of the room, seemingly without a care. Closing the door behind her, she let her backpack fall to the floor with a thud before tossing it next to the door, its usual spot. It was only then that she noticed Scott lounging on her bed, looking entirely too comfortable.

“Just what are you doing mister man.” Chrissy said in a sing song voice as she walked toward Scott crouching down as she approached her bed. The large, formidable figure of Chrissy hung over Scott as she looked down at him with a smile.

With a gentle hand, Chrissy reached down towards Scott, allowing her fingers to carefully curl around his small body. As he was lifted off the bed, Scott instinctively rolled across her open palm until her fingers slightly curled to slow his momentum. He rested comfortably in her fingertips, knowing what was coming next. Her finger began to stroke him gently, starting at the base of his neck and gliding down to the small of his back with a featherlight touch. It felt like heaven as she petted him in this way, and Scott couldn’t help but move his leg in time with the soft strokes. It was as if each movement of her fingers was a sweet caress, sending shivers of pleasure through his tiny body.

He learned in training about the comfort and relaxation that came with petting. Nothing had prepared him for how it actually felt. How his muscles seemed would lose all tension and his body would almost go limp under Chrissy’s gentle petting. It was a blissful moment that he found himself looking forward to as humiliating as it was to go to putty like this before her. She would have been his junior. She was a teenager, something he was quite removed from at nearly double her age.

As Chrissy looked down at him all those facts seemed meaningless as she was his owner now. Everything that he was had been rendered meaningless in this current reality. As she sat down on her bed looking at Scotty before she fell back into her bed for a moment.

“You can’t be just out on your own Scotty. It’s not safe. What if I had come in and dropped my basket of clothes on the bed? What if I had come in and sat down not knowing you were there. I have precautions and preventative measures to keep bugs and rodents out of the home and my room. But nothing is one hundred percent. I won’t scold you this time but next time you will be punished.” Chrissy said wagging her finger at her Scott.

“Sorry Chrissy.” Scott said not wanting to upset her and the justifications she provided were well reasoned even though he didn’t like the idea of being scolded by teenager.

Adjusting to becoming a little was not anything anyone could truly prepare for. No amount of preparation was able to properly convey just how the reality of such a life was. He was owned by this teenager who cared for him as one of her pets. She would leave for school, or to go out with her boyfriend or friends and he would just have to wait for her to return.

The idea that his life would revolve around another being in such a way was preposterous to him at first. It was such a foreign concept that he had never considered the possibility of what exactly it would entail. The more he thought on it though this was what people, what humans do with their pets. The hamster is kept in a cage while its owner is away. A dog is often put into a kennel, or a fenced in backyard. Some dogs are kept in dog crates when their owners are away. Each pet is put into a form of captivity when its human is away.

As a little he was no longer any different. No little was considered different or special in that way. A little like him was nothing more than another domesticated creature to the humans which dominated the world. He was now expected just like any other domesticated pet to wait around for her to return.

“Here let me set you down on the floor if you want to explore a little.” Chrissy said before walking over to the drawer and looking down. “Did you get stuck before you got your lunch? You poor baby.” Chrissy said grabbing the chicken flavored pellets and dropping them down next to Scott.

Scott watched as she then lifted her foot up and used the toe end of her left shoe to hold down the right as she slid her foot out of the shoe. She then did the opposite to get the other shoe off. She looked down at her shoes briefly before picking them up.

Scott looked down at the pellets for but a moment before his stomach growled. He rushed over to the food Chrissy had set out for him. He hadn’t realized just how hungry he actually was. When he stopped to think about it, he hadn’t really eaten today. As he started munching on the pellets Chrissy had set down, he couldn’t get over just how much better the Generitech Pellets Chrissy’s family had bought tasted than the Preema Tech pellets. The Preema Tech pellets did the job of providing him nutrients, but the taste left a lot to be desired. Whereas the Generitech Pellets had a much-improved flavor compared to the Preema Tech pellets.

Scott struggled to adapt to the bland pellet-based diet he was now forced to consume. He couldn’t help but feel a twinge of resentment towards Preema Tech for taking away his ability to enjoy delicious, home-cooked meals. Yet at the same time, he had grown used to this new way of eating during his time in their facility. It was a constant battle between his desire for real food and his acceptance of this artificial sustenance. How could he ever go back to a normal life after being conditioned to subsist on pellets?

The past couple days Scott noticed a difference in that it was getting more difficult to recall aspects of his life prior to his time at Preema Tech. He was unaware of the fact that this was the Custom Preema Tech chip which was implanted into him. It suppresses the memories he had before coming to Preema Tech unlike the Generitech Variant which does not alter the Little in any way.

The Preema Tech chip specifically works to suppress memories which exist in the subject before becoming a little. Creating a situation where the Preema Tech training the little receives becomes their earliest memories thus making them more receptive to the new life as the memories before infection fade away. The activation of this process begins at the time of sale as Preema Tech has found that it allows for the Little and the Guardian to grow closer at an accelerated rate. The Guardian becomes the little’s earliest and foundational memories.

“Once you’re fully adjusted, I’m going to need you to spruce these up a bit Scotty. They could use a good clean while I’m at school. I’m not going to be able to wear these until then.” Chrissy said as she picked up the shoes and walked into her closet. Scott could see Plastic cube after plastic cube each sized perfectly for a pair of shoes. All were pristine with not a smudge or piece of dirt out of place. They ranged from Jordans to converse and everything in between. Scott was not aware Chrissy was a bit of a sneakerhead until now.

“Oh, you probably haven’t seen in here. This whole wall is just my sneakers. They are my pride and joy. Underneath my hanging clothes here are my other shoes like flats, pumps, boots, and such. They haven’t arrived yet but those new Jordans with the blue trim that dropped last week. I managed to snag a pair. I was refreshing the page on all my devices.” Chrissy said before looking down at Scott.

It was strange hearing someone talk about something as trivial as a shoe drop. He had spent the last couple years so far removed from such a situation he didn’t even know what to say. It also didn’t help even before the infection he was never the kind of person who owned different kinds of shoes. He had a set of dress shoes and then just his everything else shoes. So, hearing Chrissy speak on and be so enthusiastically about spending hundreds of dollars on shoes when she owned so many was lost on him.

“I suppose if I get you one of those little tablets you would be able to help out. Any extra device would increase the odds of me landing a set of sneakers.” She said before closing the closet the door. Scott hadn’t given much thought to assisting her in her quest for new shoes as he was still hung up on having to clean them. It was far from an insurmountable job or task for him. This wasn’t the first time Chrissy had mentioned him having chores or small jobs to do.

Scott couldn’t shake the feeling that this was a new, uncertain phase of his life. He was leaving behind his stable job and entering a world of odd jobs assigned by a teenager who now owned him. He wasn’t sure if he was ready for this change and longed for the familiar routine of an office job. But at the same time, he couldn’t ignore the excitement and freedom that came with this new lifestyle. It was both exhilarating and terrifying, and Scott didn’t know which emotion would win out in the end.

“Come on, I’m sure you and Bruce have to use the bathroom.” Chrissy said sweetly as she lowered her hand down to the ground. Bruce looked at her hand almost in a bit of shock. Since becoming infected he was just grabbed and taken places the few times he had been taken out of his cage. The idea of being able to freely climb onto Chrissy’s hand by his own choice was a new taste of freedom.

“Come on boy!” Chrissy said excitedly lightly slapping her thigh. Scott could hear Bruce excitedly start to move about. What Scott didn’t anticipate happening was that he himself felt a bit more amped up as he climbed into Chrissy’s hand. Scott’s face reddened as he looked down at Chrissy’s hand trying to hide his embarrassment as she stood up and walked out of her room with Bruce excitedly following behind.

Each step onto Chrissy’s hand was a precarious adventure, as the unevenness of her palm became more apparent. Scott’s legs wobbled with each movement, struggling to maintain their balance on the constantly shifting surface. The giant’s hand seemed like a tumultuous landscape, with rolling hills and valleys created by the slightest movements of her fingers. As he continued to walk, Scott could feel the oils from Chrissy’s skin beginning to coat his own body. Her natural sweat mingled with his, turning him into an extension of her being. With each passing moment, he felt more and more like a part of her, connected by their shared touch and the slickness of her skin.

Chrissy walked through her room at such speed as far as Scott was concerned that it created a wind as she moved. As they entered the Kitchen Scott could see Chrissy’s mother doing something in the kitchen as Chrissy slid the patio door open. Warm air slapped Scott in the face as Chrissy turned to close the door behind her. She knew her mother would say something if she left it open. She could already hear it in her mind. “I don’t pay to cool the outdoors, Chrissy.” her mother would bellow. It was just easier to do what she wanted.

With a burst of energy, Bruce darted through the open gate of the fenced in backyard. Chrissy followed, her steps careful and deliberate as she made her way to the edge of the patio. She gently set Scott down on the soft grass, just at the border of the patio near the crystal blue pool. As Scott opened his mouth to speak, Chrissy suddenly stood up, her full height towering over him. In that moment, the true difference between them was starkly visible. Chrissy’s long limbs and powerful frame loomed over Scott, making him feel small and insignificant in comparison.

The teen had buried her face in her phone, her fingers flicking rapidly over the screen. Scott observed her with mild curiosity, but his attention was soon drawn to the rhythmic tapping of Chrissy’s feet on the hard surface of the patio. He looked out at the yard and was taken aback by how tall the grass had grown. Each blade seemed like a towering tree or thick vine, reaching up from the earth. The sound of chirping birds filled the air, grounding him in reality as he realized just how easy it would be to lose himself in this overgrown greenery. He stood in Chrissy’s shadow, feeling small and insignificant next to her vibrant energy. As he moved about, he noticed that she seemed to follow him, constantly keeping him in her sights and protection.

Chrissy’s impatient voice echoed in Scotty’s ears as he stood outside, feeling the pressure to urinate. He couldn’t shake off the sense of dread and humiliation that came with the thought of relieving himself in public like an animal. This was supposed to be a simple trip for Bruce’s benefit, but now he was being expected to do the unthinkable. Was this some kind of mistake? Did they really expect him to go potty outside like a dog? Scotty’s mind raced, torn between his discomfort and his desire to please Chrissy.

He stubbornly refused to acknowledge the absurd thought creeping into his mind, but his body betrayed him as he stood there. He couldn’t deny the urgent need to relieve himself, yet the idea of using a proper bathroom seemed foreign and uncomfortable. He tried to recall a time when he had used one before, but his memory failed him. Could he really go through with this?

Scott was about to open his mouth to speak to Chrissy when the sound of pounding footsteps against the concrete of the patio caught his attention. With a few quick strides, Mrs. Watson came into view, her heavy frame almost blocking out the sun. Seeing Chrissy from this vantage point was enough to give Scott a jolt of excitement, but seeing her mother, who was equally massive and imposing, served as a stark reminder of the power dynamics at play between them. He couldn’t help but feel like he was just a pet to her daughter, someone she could control and manipulate at will.

“So how was school? I’ve barely seen you it feels like the past couple of days.” Diana, Chrissy’s mother, said as she gave her daughter a brief hug before looking down at the ground and seeing Scott. “Hi to you as well Scott. I got so carried away cleaning and baking a caramel apple pie. I forgot to stop up to see you.” Diana added.

“It’s okay. I got into a pretty comfortable spot and was just napping off and on.” Scott said.

“Mom don’t distract him. He’s supposed to be peeing.” Chrissy said looking down at him briefly trying to be stern but her face melting over the sight of her cute little.

“Outside? Is that how littles do it? I guess I just assumed they went inside but you went through the training.” Diana said skeptically.

Scott was aware that Guardian Training covered topics like these, as he had been told during the brief training sessions. It was ultimately up to the guardian’s discretion whether or not to share such information with their little, but it was generally discouraged. During training, they emphasized the importance of disclosing any exposure to inappropriate or unauthorized material to one’s designated little worker. This information would be documented in the guardian’s file. They made it clear that the guardians themselves wouldn’t face consequences, but there may be inquiries and potential liability if something were to happen as a result.

“You always have been observant.” Diana said. “I will try to remember that if I ever have to take him out while you are at school. But please do be careful with your little rescues. You know I worry.” Diana said, trying to reinforce the idea that she had reservations about it.

“Mom, they need our help. Look at Scotty, he was living in a cage at the Preema Tech store. His entire world was a cage the size of two iphones. I’m not stealing littles from people or anything. We are just providing a safe place for them to live if they choose. Londyn and I want to apply for a sanctuary license once we graduate.

“What is that?” Diana asked

“It’s so cool mom. It would basically allow us to help littles more openly. We would have to be able to provide a safe space for littles which we are already doing under the radar. It’s basically a humane location where Littles can live. You have to be able to provide educational facilities for smallborns where they are given a basic education before going through the Generitech Little training program where they then take the LATs. Which sets them on their little career paths. Some are put through advanced training, some are sent stores, some are given jobs internally at Generitech, some are then sent to research facilities within generitech, and then some are sent back to sanctuaries where they would do jobs there to help the little community at the assigned sanctuary.” Chrissy explained excitedly.

“Wow you have really looked into this.” Diana said.

“It’s what I want to do Mom. You just have to be eighteen to get the sanctuary license.” Chrissy said. “It’s why I want a business degree. As Generitech buys the smallborns you graduate. The higher the smallborn performs on LAT/LSAT the more they are worth, so you are in turn are paid more.” Chrissy exclaimed

“Would Scotty then live in this sanctuary thing you want to do?” Diana asked, still trying to fully understand how it all works.

“He’s my pet little mom. He wouldn’t be at the sanctuary. He would be at home with me.” Chrissy said.

Scott was lost in their conversation, struggling to keep up with the booming voices of Chrissy and her mother Diana. As he shifted his weight back and forth, trying to hold it in, he finally relented and let go, peeing into the forest like a lawn sprinkler. The sound of rushing water filled the air as Scott sighed in relief, unable to stop the stream even if he wanted to. The trees and underbrush around him seemed to sway in time with his urination, a natural symphony in the midst of their lively conversation.

The realization that Chrissy was the one training him filled him with a sense of shame. How could he let himself be controlled by a teenage girl and her mother? As he peed in the yard, directly in front of them, he felt his face burn with embarrassment. And yet, they seemed completely unfazed, carrying on their casual conversation as if this was the most normal thing in the world. He couldn’t help but feel conflicted about his current situation.

“I don’t want to hound you honey. But I just want to remind you that you do need to keep your grades up. Just because you have a new pet doesn’t mean your father or I will expect any less of you. That also means getting your chores done and such even if Softball season is starting soon.” Diana said reminding her daughter of what is expected of her.

“I know mom.” Chrissy said in a slightly annoyed tone. “I’ll still get everything done as I always have.”

“I know I don’t have to tell you this. But your chores are YOUR chores not Scotty’s chores. If your father or I even catch wind of you making him do your chores that phone is gone and so are all your social media accounts.”

“I’m not going to make him do my chores. He couldn’t do them anyway even if I wanted him to which I don’t. He just has to worry about being my pet and doing a few chores around my room to help me out. But he mostly just has to be his cute little self. I haven’t asked him to do anything yet. Today when I came home, he was chilling in my bed which I wasn’t super happy about because of the dangers but he looked so adorable mom. I should have taken a picture. It was THE CUTEST.” Chrissy gushed to her mother.

As Scott finished his business, the voices of Chrissy and her mother swirled around him like a persistent breeze. He pulled himself up the slight ridge that separated the smooth cement from the lush grass. Each step across the unforgiving surface sent sharp pains through his bare feet, and he was acutely aware of the heat radiating up from below. Even on a mild day like today, the cement seemed to pulsate with intense warmth, a sensation that Scotty had never experienced before. He couldn’t help but imagine the tales he had heard of Littles burning to death on the scorching surface. The thought sent shivers down his spine as he quickened his pace towards the safety of his owner.

Chrissy had just slipped on some simple crocs before heading outside with Scott and Bruce. They weren’t exactly the kind of shoe she would wear out around town but she liked walking around in them in around the house. They posed a threat in Scotts current form in that he had finished up his business and he wanted off the ground. He couldn’t shake how vulnerable he felt outside like this. It was a feeling he didn’t like.

“I’m very proud of you. I saw you potty outside here just like you’re supposed to.” Chrissy said in a cutesy voice.

Unexpected words of praise from his teenage owner washed over him like a wave, bringing with them a sense of euphoria that Scott didn’t even know he was capable of feeling. As Chrissy’s genuine admiration and approval filled the air, it eased the tension and nerves that had been coiled tightly within him. Unbeknownst to Scott, his response to her praise was a result of his Preema Tech Little training, ingrained in him since the first day. In that training, he learned that pleasing his owners should be his top priority, a desire deeply rooted in the programming of all Preema Tech Littles. For them, their owner’s praise is the ultimate reward while disappointment brings deep feelings of sadness and failure.

Chrissy’s words of encouragement towards him for a job well down ended up having the unintended consequence of demonstrating to Scott that this was good behavior to model. While little training wasn’t all consuming or controlling. It tended to have an influence on littles behavior when combined with the pre Smallara Memory Suppression techniques that Preema Tech employed.

Gently lowering her hand, Chrissy allowed Scott to climb on, his small body gripping onto her fingers with excitement. With a smooth lift, she raised him higher and higher until he was level with her shoulder, the world suddenly becoming much bigger from his new vantage point. Her fingers carefully created a bridge for him to walk across, the way a tightrope walker balances on a delicate wire. It still felt strange to him to be walking on someone’s hand, but he trusted Chrissy completely and it wasn’t as difficult as he initially thought. It was hard for him to comprehend that his entire being was being supported by just one person’s hand.

As he gingerly stepped off her hand and onto her shoulder, he was pleasantly surprised to find that it provided a firmer and more stable surface. Chrissy’s blonde locks cascaded gracefully over her shoulders, swaying with each movement she made. It was the first time since their ordeal began that he had been so close to someone’s hair, able to see its individual strands and shades of gold. As he reached out and grasped a strand of Chrissy’s hair, he marveled at its thickness and strength, like that of a sturdy rope. He couldn’t help but imagine its potential use for climbing or other tasks. And unlike regular rope, it carried a sweet and inviting scent of fresh strawberries, adding a touch of unexpected comfort in their dire situation.

“You can little walk?” Scott said surprised as Chrissy started walking inside. Seeing Bruce run up to and around her excitedly was different from this high up. It made him realize that from Chrissy’s perspective Bruce wasn’t a big dog. It was only through his eyes that Bruce was more Dragon than Dog in size.

“Not as good as some but I wouldn’t say I’m bad at it or anything. I never really had a reason to use the skill till now. The littles I rescue I don’t little walk with. I want to help them and do everything I can for them. However, I keep a degree of separation between them and me.” Chrissy explained.

Scott waited for her to expound but she didn’t discuss it any further. She merely went inside and headed up to her room. He had questions about her sanctuary, but she seemed to want to keep him separate from it.

“So, when are we going to this Little Sanctuary?” Scott asked.

“I’m about to head there now with Londyn. You are staying here. I’ll be home by dinner though and then we can hang out. I feel like bumming it today. Maybe just laze around and watch some television.” Chrissy said

“I wanted to see it though. I haven’t ever met a little person who was free before. I mean outside of Preema Tech I haven’t met a little period.” Scott added.

“You have a home here and it’s not a field trip. So, you won’t be seeing it. Even once you get your collar, you’re an indoor little Scotty. You can be on my bed if you want while I’m gone.” Chrissy said as she stopped in front of her bed to set him back down on it. “Unless you want to be back in your drawer.” Chrissy added giving him the option.

“Well, I guess the bed, but what do you mean indoor little?” Scott asked.

“You’re going to be staying here in my room. I’ll take you to other places around the house, don’t worry. Like when we watch tv later it will be in the living room and when we have dinner, I’ll take you downstairs. I’ll even take you outside sometimes like the other day when I took you poolside and let you run around a bit while I read my book. You need to stay close to me when we’re outside obviously, but we’ll work on that.” Chrissy explained to Scott as simply as she could.

Scott understood what she was getting at but never really thought about what it meant to be a little. Chrissy’s home was going to basically be his world. Granted, because of its size her home could easily be a world.

“Some people like to cart littles around with them everywhere. But that’s so reckless. What are you wanting to do anyway?” Chrissy asked with genuine curiosity.

Scott opened his mouth to respond, but Chrissy had already cut him off. He realized he didn’t have a clear destination in mind or a specific place he longed to be. The thought of being dragged around with her to school seemed unbearable, and the idea of tagging along on her dates with Mike was even worse. Yet, staying cooped up inside Chrissy’s home felt somehow humiliating. The more he pondered her question, the more he understood that he had no real answer; it was just a lingering fragment from before he was infected.

“It’s so difficult to even imagine what you’ve been through,” Chrissy said, her voice filled with empathy. “And I know that I’ll never truly understand the loss, the rehabilitation, and the forced training that you’ve endured. It broke my heart to seeing you at Preema Tech, knowing that this isn’t the life you wanted or deserved. But I promise to take care of you, Scotty. Even though I wish things could be different for you, we have to face the reality of our situation. Some littles serve as emotional support companions, but it’s not the same as having a normal life. And even though I’ll try my best to make it comfortable for you here, deep down I know it will never be enough.”

Chrissy’s well-intentioned words only served to intensify his feelings of being trapped. He knew she wanted to help, but her reassurances felt like a weight holding him down. He was torn between wanting her support and feeling suffocated by it.

A burst of cool, refreshing air greeted Scott as he and Chrissy entered her home. He took a deep breath, savoring the sensation of the crispness filling his lungs. As they stepped into the kitchen, Scott’s attention was drawn to Bruce, who eagerly trotted over to the water dish and began lapping up the liquid with audible thirst. The sound of his slurping made Scott suddenly aware of his own parched throat. But before he could even voice his need for a drink, Chrissy had already guided him to sit on the countertop next to the sink, where he could feel the smooth, cool surface beneath his palms.

The smooth, polished marble countertop sent a shiver up Scott’s spine. Ever since he was infected, he had noticed that his body seemed to run colder than before. In the past, he would have eagerly offered his assistance in situations like this, finding ways to be useful and helpful. But now, in his current form, any offer of help would be merely a token gesture at best.

“We don’t really have anything else for you to drink out of at the moment.” Chrissy said with sincerity and a bit of embarrassment in her voice as she held a plastic cap from a bottle of soda underneath the water faucet. She let the water run for several seconds as the water shifted from cold to room temperature. Once the water was at a drinkable temperature for Scott, she set the cap full of water in front of him. Before Chrissy could comment further, she heard the voice of her father as he walked through the door taking his shoes off before coming into the kitchen himself.

“How are my two favorite ladies.” Rick said as he walked over to his daughter giving her a kiss on the top of her head.

“Hi Dad.” Chrissy said leaning up against the counter as Scott looked up at him as he knelt down in front of the plastic cap filled with water.

“Hi Scotty. Chrissy is treating you right I hope?” he said as Scott nodded.

“She’s been very nice to me. Better than I expected things to go honestly.” Scott said he was not sure exactly what he expected being purchased to be like. However, Chrissy has been nothing but good as far as he was concerned.

“Thats good. She’s a sweet girl. I’m sure you two will get along.” Rick said

“Speaking of Dad. We still need to go to the store. Scotty still needs things. We can still go this weekend, can’t we?” Chrissy asked, feeling bad that she didn’t already have things for him.

“Of course, sweetheart. We will go first thing on Saturday morning.” Her father Rick said as he looked down at Scott.

“You’ll be able to hang in there till Saturday Scotty won’t you? If you really need something let me know and I can pick it up for you on my way home from work tomorrow or give Chrissy some money to run to the Little Mart.” Rick said wanting Chrissy’s little to feel at home here.

“No sir, Chrissy has been very good to me.” Scott said. While he appreciated the sentiment he didn’t want to be a burden and Chrissy really had gotten him everything he needed to make it through the week. He had a nice bed, he had food and water. She got him some makeshift clothes. There wasn’t anything truly essential that he needed at this point.

“You don’t need to call me sir. I’m Chrissy’s father. You can just call me Rick and you can do the same with Diana.” Rick said before walking over to his wife and giving her a kiss as he always did no matter how long or stressful his day was. He always made sure to give his wife a kiss when he came home.

As Chrissy watched Scotty happily drinking, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of guilt and conflict. She knew that he was slowly adjusting to his new life, but she also knew the harsh reality of Preema Tech’s treatment of Littles. The thought of all the others suffering like Scotty filled her with rage and a desire to rescue them all. But for now, she could only find solace in the fact that she had saved one and given him a safe home, even though so many others remained trapped in their cruel hands. She couldn’t help but wonder if she was doing enough or if there was something more she could do to make a difference.

“Drink up Scotty. I know you’re thirsty as I saw you didn’t drink any of the water I left for you.” Chrissy said, admonishing him enough, where he started drinking more of the water she provided.

“Why wasn’t he drinking?” Diana said voicing some concern. “I know it’s not like for like but remember my dog Buster? Well when I first got him after college. He wouldn’t drink for a few days he was too nervous as the surroundings were so different than what he was used too.” Diana said.

“That can happen with Littles too from what I hear. But Scotty was out exploring and got stuck on my bed. We had a talk about adventuring like that when no one is around.” Chrissy said before giving Scotty a few gentle pets to let him know she had forgiven him.

As Chrissy reached out to pet Scott, his instinct was to push her finger away. It reminded him of a time when he still had control over his actions, before Preema Tech had taken it away. He struggled with the conflicting feelings of wanting to reject her touch and yearning for any shred of human connection. After a few more hesitant pets, he couldn’t deny the comfort and positive reinforcement he received from Chrissy. It was a constant battle within himself, but in that moment, he allowed himself to let go and enjoy the simple act of being touched.

As Scott gazed up at Chrissy, he couldn’t help but feel torn. On one hand, his training at Preema Tech had ingrained in him that she was his superior and owner. But on the other hand, he couldn’t ignore the fact that she was much younger than him, possibly half his age. Despite being close to graduating, she was still a junior compared to him. He struggled with the realization that he was now in his thirties and she could easily be his daughter’s age. The thought made him uneasy, yet he couldn’t deny his growing attachment to her.

Rick would always ask Chrissy about her day and how school went, wanting to stay involved in his daughter’s life. He made sure to attend her softball games and cheerleading events, never wanting Chrissy to feel unsupported. Despite not being able to give her everything, he strived to provide more for her than he had in his own childhood.

“What grade are you in Chrissy?” Scott asked, trying to figure out exactly how old Chrissy was without making it too obvious. She didn’t seem to care about the age difference between them nor did her parents. But to him it was awkward. He wondered if the years he spent with Preema Tech had changed societies perspective more. As while he was locked away the world didn’t stop. It continued moving forward.

“Just a junior. I still have one year of high school left.” Chrissy answered. “Oh, don’t worry though I plan on going to college around here. So, I’ll just live at home. You don’t have to worry about me going anywhere and even if I did, I’d take you with me Scotty. I’d probably have to leave buster at home, but you’ll always be my lil’ guy.” Chrissy said before seeing that he was done drinking water. She dumped the remaining bit of water left in the plastic cap in the sink. The fact he couldn’t even drink one whole bottlecap of water was humbling.

“When are we eating mom?” Chrissy asked as she set her hand down allowing Scotty to climb into it.

“We will probably eat around six. So, make sure you’re home.” Diana said as Scott climbed into Chrissy’s hand. “I’m going to go out with Londyn for a bit.” She said with a shout loud enough that Scott was forced to cover his ears.

“Sorry,” Chrissy said, her voice tinged with concern as she climbed the stairs and saw Scott’s reaction. She gently set him down on her cozy bed, adorned with colorful pillows and a soft duvet. As she disappeared into her walk-in closet, he couldn’t help but notice the array of outdoor gear and equipment lining the shelves – a clear indication of Chrissy’s love for adventure. When she emerged, she held out a pair of well-worn hiking boots, their leather scuffed from countless journeys through rugged terrain.

Every pair of shoes and footwear that Scott had seen Chrissy wear had been meticulously cleaned and maintained. The leather gleamed as if it had just been polished, the laces tied in perfect bows. Even the shoes she claimed were a few years old looked brand new. He couldn’t help but admire her attention to detail, evident by the display case shoe rack she had for her collection of sneakers. In his pre-infected life, he never put this much care into his own clothes. So, when he saw her slip on a pair of dingy hiking boots, it seemed out of place amidst her typically pristine appearance.

“I’m just going to the sanctuary with Londyn. It’s feeding day and we have to check all the equipment. Need to make sure everything is functioning well as we can’t have bugs or rodents getting in. You guys are vulnerable. Speaking of which.” Chrissy said walking over to one of her outlets. There was a small plastic device that looked like an air freshener Chrissy unplugged it and removed part of it dropping it into her trashcan before going over to her desk and putting back on a identical part before plugging it back in.

“Whats that?” Scott finally asked unsure what she was doing.

“This keeps bugs, insects, small rodents and such away. You don’t think I’d just leave you here unprotected, did you? I’ve had this going since I got you.” Chrissy said walking back over to her bed and picking up Scott. She took a couple of short steps over to her nighstand were set him back inside.

“Stay,” Chrissy said wagging her finger down at him. “I’ll take you back out when I get home and if you want to explore a bit you can do so later tonight. Here this has my scent on it. It should keep you from missing me.” Chrissy said standing back up and knocking the sock he had used earlier into the drawer at the same time. When Scott heard an unfamiliar voice call out Chrissy’s name.

“LONDYN!” Chrissy said with a bit of glee standing up fully. “I was just getting Scotty all set.” Chrissy added as Londyn walked overlooking down at the little.

Scott wasn’t sure what to say or do. He had heard Chrissy talk about her several times. He was supposed to have met her a few times already, but it never quite fully worked out. She seemed tall with short blonde hair. She could see him judging him.

“You got a small one.” Londyn said “I figured you’d get one of those muscular ones. You always fuss over them at the sanctuary.

“Scotty needed a home. You should have seen him Londyn. It was heart breaking. They had a few of those muscular fit ones in the window. I knew they were going to sell. Hopefully into good homes. But this little guy is a bit smaller than most littles and isn’t very muscular. These are the ones who fall through the cracks and need our help the most.” Chrissy said

Scott wanted to say otherwise but she had him dead to rights. As while he wasn’t overweight or anything. He has never been able to do a pullup in his life. He wasn’t overly muscular or anything. He never thought about himself from a product standpoint, but he was clearly not put in the window display like other littles, he was buried in the aisle with several others. In terms of littles as a product he probably was less desirable.

“He fits you though. He does have something about him that makes you want to help him.” Londyn said

“Right, see you get it. I’m still socializing him with Bruce. Scotty is still skeptical.” Chrissy added as she walked from the nightstand drawer.

“Bruce is huge compared to him and under normal terms would be a predator probably. Just because you trained him to be little friendly. Doesn’t mean the littles won’t still be afraid.” Londyn said.

“I know. I just want them to be friends now.” Chrissy said with a slight whine before stopping in the doorway. “Be good Scotty.” Chrissy said sweetly

“Why did you name him Scotty,” Londyn asked as Chrissy pulled the door shut so Bruce wouldn’t come in and frighten Scotty. The click of the door latching shut also meant that he couldn’t hear Chrissy’s answer.

Scott looked up and out of the drawer. It was preposterous that this simple sock would provide him any comfort at all. Scott said looking down at it with a scoff. However, as much as he hated to admit it he didn’t realize how lonely he had gotten in his cage at Preema Tech until he came home with Chrissy. She had been a breath of fresh air in his life. However, if she thought he was going to miss her she had another thing coming. They had just met Afterall. There was no attachment or anything. Certainly, some article of clothing wasn’t going to provide him with one bit of comfort in her absence.

Several minutes went by as Scott walked about the drawer. He finally went over to the phone. As soon as he pressed his hand onto the screen it lit up. Little mode illuminated for a minute before fading away. He swiped through the offerings available to him. Chrissy had disabled access to the app store but had downloaded GeneriFlix, Netflix, Generify, Hulu, and a few other streaming services along with a few mobile games.

As he booted up the Generiflix app he noticed Chrissy’s name along with profiles for her parents were all greyed out. He wondered what kinds of different programs they had access to too. As he knew the little versions of these had only content that was approved for littles. He was told certain themes, or idea’s that would be destructive to little society were omitted along with any show that carried a rating above that of PG. As a little could only been shown such content PG13 or higher or content with dangerous themes through a guardian account where they would be present to explain such things to the little.

Scott knew such things were covered in Guardian Training as he was told as much in little training that it was a guardian’s choice to show such content to a little but even then, it was frowned upon. In little training they covered disclosing the viewing of improper content to your little worker. As it would be noted in the guardian’s file. They impressed upon him in training the guardian wouldn’t be in trouble, but questions would be asked and if anything happened it opened up the guardian to a degree of liability in the form of negligence. Enough notations of negligence and a guardian could be investigated but Scott was unsure how it all worked as anything that happened after he reported something was above him and not of a littles concern. A concept that had been drilled into him until it became part of the air he breathed.

Preema Tech’s little training very much impressed upon him, and all their littles is that your guardian or owner as they called them. Which Scott figured was because Guardian was a term Generitech came up with and an idea that was then packaged and sold to the government. He suspected they didn’t like the idea of having to use a Generitech term, so they use owner. He also thought it probably fit their business model more. As he was very much a product being trained, packaged and sold.

Scanning through the shows Scott finally decided upon a comedy show. He noticed most of the shows on the service were created and designed especially for littles. Any show he could think of from his old life wasn’t on the service. Even the actors in these shows were actually littles for all the little parts.

Scott found it fascinating to see Littles like him still were in Hollywood. Generitech had created a system that functioned similar to that of real Hollywood. They had little celebrities as just like in actual Hollywood some little actors were better than others. Littles liked watching some actors more than others. So, some littles were more in demand.

While most little actors were owned by Generitech. A person could take their own little to an audition. However, Generitch provided actor training to their littles. However, such services were generally not available to a little sold to a consumer. It would be dependent upon the Guardian to teach such skills to the little if they wanted their little to have them.

Even the commercials before and after the show contained little models, spokelittles and actors selling little products to littles who would then go to their guardians to ask for the little products. It was a similar concept to marketing to children who by themselves don’t have a high degree of buying power, but their buying power is through their parents. Littles are very similar in that their buying power is through the guardians.

As Scott continued to watch the show he got up and grasped the heavy cotton sock of Chrissy. He wrapped it around himself. He told himself he was just cold. It had nothing to do with Chrissy. Even though he continually told that to himself his mind could see through its own lies. The perfume and general smell Chrissy had about her was held within the sock as he wrapped it around himself a sense of security as if she was nearby filled his spirits.

An hour or so had gone by when Scott heard Diana call his name. He quickly stood up pulling the sock away from him before moving back over to the bed and looking upward out the roof of the slightly ajar drawer.

“Hi Mrs. Watson… I mean Diana.” Scott said.

“I just thought I should check on you. Make sure you didn’t need anything.” Diana said as Scott could hear her moving about the room.

“I’m in the drawer of Chrissy’s nightstand.” Scott said as a moment later Diana’s face appeared overheard. “Chrissy wanted you to check on me, didn’t she?” Scott asked.

“N-no, no i mean, yes. She was just worried. Don’t hold it against her. She just wants to make sure you’re safe.

“I get it. It’s nice really. It’s been a while since anyone cared other than making sure i was presented in the best possible way to maximize profit.” Scott said.

“I am sorry you had to go through that. Preema Tech is horrible. If we could get you rechipped we would. It’s just so dangerous to remove as it’s implanted on your spine at that top vertebra where your neck meets your head. You have a real home here Scotty. This is your home now with Chrissy, with all of us. We are all here for you.” Diana added.

“Thanks, you’ve all been better than I could ever expect. Based on the training I didn’t know what to expect. I thought I’d end up some kind of life long indentured servant.” Scott added.

“Thats horrid. I know some people do that kind of thing. But that’s not us. You’re a member of this family. Chrissy adores you. I’ve never seen her so taken with a pet. Dinner should be ready soon so I’m sure Chrissy will be back before long.” Diana said then walking out of Chrissy’s room shutting the door once again.

Scott shivered in the cool air of Chrissy’s room. He had not realized just how comfortable he had gotten wrapped up in her sock as he was. He walked back over, dragged it back over to his bed, wrapped it back around himself. As he did so reality settled in. As curious as he was about what the littles at the sanctuary were like. What drove them to flee the longer he was with Chrissy the more he realized just how impossible it is for littles to live on their own or in the wild without any kind of assistance. The homes, the littles in that sanctuary must have been horrible to even think of fleeing from a home. As Scott struggled to come up with how long they could live. Fleeing in most every case is simply a death sentence. Odds are a little would be eaten by some kind of wildlife. If they somehow avoided that on a hot summers day they could easily fry to death on the pavement or freeze to death in the winter.

Scott just couldn’t fathom how someone could choose death over life. As bad as a situation could be there is always hope for better. There is no guarantee anything exists after this and with how long a little can live. Even twenty or thirty years of struggle would be difficult to consider ending ones life over. As that still meant you could have in most cases a hundred or more years of good health. As science and medicine improve it wouldn’t be out of the question to think a little could live two hundred years.

A while later Scott heard the door swing open to Chrissy’s room as Bruce barked happily following Chrissy into her room. He could hear her talk to Bruce in a cutesy voice. The noise his collar made told him she was giving him pets. A few moments later Chrissy appeared overhead looking into the drawer she had left Scott in.

“Mom has dinner ready Scotty. Are you hungry?” Chrissy asked looking down at her little man. She tried to hide her smile seeing him bundled up in her sock. He had looked so defiantly at it before she left and now it was wrapped around him.

Scott begrudgingly stood up, tossing Chrissy’s sock onto the bed. He couldn’t help but feel a tinge of embarrassment as he looked up at his teenage owner towering over him. She was kind and caring, but it still stung to be at her mercy like this. Normally, he would be the one taking care of and protecting her. But now, fate had cruelly reversed their roles and he was stuck relying on her for everything. It was a bitter pill to swallow.

With delicate footsteps, Scott made his way onto Chrissy’s warm hand as she lifted him up and gently settled him onto her shoulder. He marveled at the sheer size of her braid, which cascaded down her back like a thick, rope-like waterfall. As he reached out to touch it, he couldn’t help but feel small in comparison to the immense weight of just her hair. Suddenly, Chrissy’s phone blared, startling both of them. Scott watched with fascination as she dug into her pocket and retrieved her cellphone from its hiding place amidst the fabric folds of her clothing.

“Hey Baby. I missed you. Are you calling me on your break? Thats so sweet.” Chrissy said as Scott looked at the phone seeing the image of Mike, the teenager who had bought him for his girlfriend. He hadn’t thought about it since the car ride here but seeing him now, it was a reminder that he is a physical representation of this teen’s love of Chrissy. Scott still was struggling to get over the humiliation of it all.

Scott listened to the teens droning on about things he didn’t care about or know anything about. But mostly they were just sharing how much they loved each other. It was rather sickening to have to sit through. But he had no way to escape or go anywhere. He was just stuck at what might as well have been hundreds of feet in the air to him.

“Is that Scotty on you shoulder?” Mike asked looking at his girlfriend through facetime call.

“Yeah, I just got back from the sanctuary with Londyn. So, I was taking him out. He’s been cooped up all day. He was a good boy though.” Chrissy said. The happiness in her voice couldn’t be denied even if he didn’t exactly care to be thought of as a “good boy” by her. He knew that he was just her pet in her eyes. She would never think of him the way she thinks of Mike or any other person. Scott could do nothing to change the image in their mind as he was literally clinging to Chrissy for support after she came and got him just minutes ago bundled up in one of her socks.

“You have no idea how much I love my gift, Mike. Scotty is the sweetest present anyone has ever given me. I love you so much.” Chrissy gushed as Scott found himself held hostage in the middle of this love fest as Chrissy slowly walked out of her room and down the hallway. He had expected that they were going to go downstairs but she turned off pushing a door open, he realized only after she went into was the bathroom closing the door behind her.

Scott’s heart raced as he watched Chrissy’s figure move gracefully across the bathroom floor. Her voice carried through the room, each word tinged with a sense of urgency. She paused at the toilet, her back turned to Scott as she continued to converse with Mike. Scott could only make out fragments of their conversation, but it was clear that Chrissy was in control and Mike was hanging on her every word. Finally, she turned to face Scott, her sky-blue eyes locking onto his own. With a swift movement, she lifted him off her shoulder and gently set him down on the counter next to the toilet. As she said goodbye to Mike and placed her phone down next to Scott, he couldn’t help but feel both intrigued and nervous about what was to come next. The bathroom was filled with the sound of running water and faint echoes of their voices, creating an ambience that made Scott’s muscles tense up in anticipation.

Everything moved in a blur of motion, the seconds passing by as Chrissy swiftly undid her shorts. They slid down her legs, pooling at her feet as she deftly maneuvered her panties off before settling onto the toilet seat. Scott turned his head, trying to give her privacy, but his gaze was drawn towards the mirror opposite the toilet. It reflected everything – Chrissy’s curves and lines, the way her hair fell over her shoulders, the look of pure concentration on her face. He couldn’t help but watch, mesmerized by the intimate scene playing out before him.

Scott thought he was prepared for this. It was briefly covered in his little training. He knew it was normal for guardians to take their littles with them into the bathroom. It was considered a societal norm. As they put it in training. He wondered what it would be like. How he would react. He spent alot of time trying to think about why this was normalized how guardian can’t be freaked out.

It always came down to the reality of the situation. This is how society developed. One could contemplate why some countries drive on the left side of the road and others drive on the right. Why the U.S. uses imperial why the rest of the world uses metric measurements. Scott could do nothing to change the fact that it was just the first time of probably many.

As Chrissy got up from the toilet Scott thought it was all finally over. He didn’t want to think about how easily he could be flushed down the drain. His eyes wandered over to the toilet and after a quick glance the more he thought about it Chrissy was right. Perhaps toilets were too dangerous for littles. Maybe she could get him a small patch of grass inside or even potted plant would probably work. If she got him a small shovel, he would even bury his own poo. It would probably be imperceptible to any of them, especially if it was buried.

“You are so lucky you’re a guy.” Chrissy said as she opened a cabinet in the bathroom underneath the sink. Chrissy pulled out a tampon setting it on the counter. Scott was surprised just how large the tampon was. It was still wrapped in plastic but covering however it was still a bit over two thirds the size of himself. On the package it said Tampax junior.

The tampon itself was slightly over two inches long and an inch in diameter. Scott had never been this close to tampon before. He had seen them sure. He had even boughten boxes over the years for the various females in his life, but this was another level.

“Scotty, would you start unwrapping that one for me. Thanks.” Chrissy said in her first order to Scott since getting him. Scott looked down at the tampon in shock before looking over at Chrissy who in the middle of taking one out.

“Umm excuse me. I don’t believe I quite caught that.” Scott said thinking he had to have misheard her.

“Start opening it. One end is perforated it’s easy to open. Just rip it open and carry it over here. I’m going to need it in a sec.” Chrissy said as Scott found himself reaching towards the tampon. His training had fully kicked in. In his mind as far as his training was concerned his owner made a request of him. He was trained like all other Preema Tech littles to be obedient. Even to a degree hardwired to do so. It wasn’t as if he was blindly obedient or anything. But any reasonable command he was rather susceptible to obeying.

Scott grabbed the tampon pulling it out of the packaging. As he removed it much to his surprise it wasn’t cotton. He had never actually seen a tampon. They were always in the box or packaged up. Never was he in a situation where he was directly handling the tampon. He grabbed the plastic tube able to see that inside the tube was cotton tube he had expected to see.

“H-here you go Chrissy.” Scott stammered out still a bit uncomfortable but starting to get used to the situation. Well as comfortable as one could get when a giant is taking a tube that at this point is bloody cotton that Scott wasn’t entirely sure in its used form didn’t weigh more than him. But he also hoped to never find out. As it landed in the trash Chrissy reached out for the tampon Scott held and took it from him.

Scott walked back over to the plastic wrapping and started gathering it up. He pulled it as close the edge as he could before moving around to the back and pushing it off the side of the counter. As he looked down, he watched the plastic paper fall into the same trashcan as the used tampon.

Chrissy flushed the toilet before heading over to the sink and washed her hands with soap and water. Once she was done, she adjusted the water and picked up Scott, moving him over to the soap dispenser. A slight dribble of soap came out, but it was enough for Scott to lather his hand with soap before Chrissy moved him next to the water faucet. A small stream of water came out of the faucet. Scott was relieved she didn’t leave it full blast or even halfway. The force of water would have been too much for him.

“Thanks.” Scott said appreciating the help. He always expected Guardians to be meaner and crueler. So, Chrissy being so kind and considerate was unexpected.

“You’re welcome. Thank you too. Let’s go I’m hungry. “Chrissy said opening the bathroom door walking down the stairs into the kitchen.

As they entered the Kitchen Scott’s nose filled with the most wonderful scent. It was unlike anything he had smelled. Atleast not in a long time. On the table sat a large plate of garlic bread. While each of the three place settings had a salad fixed with tiny cherry tomatoes, onions, and a mixture of peppers. As they walked into the kitchen Rick was just sitting down as Diana was going around placing pasta noodles onto each plate.

“These are the noodles I got from the farmers market yesterday. They were made fresh.” Diana said before walking back over to the stove and grabbing the Sauce.

“It looks good mom.” Chrissy said as she gently set Scott down on the table. He looked over at Chrissy’s plate seeing the mountain of noodles. It seemed impossible that Chrissy was going to eat all those noodles. It would take him a lifetime to eat that much. Scott watched Diana pour the red sauce over the noodles. Scott was forcibly trying to keep himself away at this point.

Chrissy reached towards her plate grabbing one of the noodles which didn’t have sauce on it yet. She dipped it in a tiny bit of sauce before using her fingernail and breaking off the smallest piece that had been dipped in sauce.

“Thank you, Chrissy.” Scott said gleefully as he picked up which to him was a large piece of noodle covered in sauce. He didn’t even wait for Chrissy and her parents before taking several bites.

“It’s so good.” Scott exclaimed devouring the noodles. Chrissy then dropped a pellet in front of him.

“I expect that whole thing to be eaten. Especially since you I gave you treat.” Chrissy said. “Also make sure to wipe your hands on my napkin.” Chris ordered ashe started eating herself. She hoped if she mixed the food with the little pellet perhaps his body wouldn’t reject the food fully. She was unsure exactly how long Scotty had been on pellets or what Preema Tech had done to him. Their pellets also may not work the same way as the Generitech Pellets. She figured she would just have to watch him tonight and see how he reacted.

“Are you still down for watching the game with your old man?” Rick asked his daughter as they ate.

“Yeah, it’s the NBA Playoffs. Of course, Scotty and I will be there.” Chrissy said as Scott munched on Pellet. He remembered he had used to root for a team in the NBA but for the life of him he just couldn’t remember the name. As he looked up at Chrissy it was strange. The longer he was here. The harder it was to remember anything before Chrissy. It was as if his first memories were of her taking him home from the store.

When he really tried, he remembered bits and pieces of his past, but the memories were more like watching someone else’s life. It didn’t feel like they were his memories. The only memories that felt like his own were the ones were post Smallara.

Scott wasn’t aware of the fact in a few days it would grow even harder to recall pre-smallara events. The Preema Tech chip they had implanted in him was already suppressing any memories from before he was purchased. The little training that was drilled into him will only remain as just common knowledge that he was seemingly born with. Just like one doesn’t need to be taught to breathe.

Related Images:

Chrissy Part Two: A Smallara Side Story - Smallara (2024)


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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.