A Noble and a Gardener - Chapter 12 - Milo_needs_help - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Chapter Text

Kyoka loathed Todoroki, she wanted to see his life go up in flames. Or at least she had. For the last 8 years, any mention of the boy made her blood boil. Yaomomo’s parents announced that the two were going to be engaged and she had no say in the matter. During the engagement ceremony, he had shown no signs that he was interested in being Yaomomo’s friend, looking at her with distant eyes; as if he would rather be anywhere but there. And that astounded her, because if you were in the presence of a divine being such as Yaomomo why would you want to be anywhere but there? It wasn’t just because of her looks, Yaomomo was the best person to walk the earth; She was elegant, and kind but able to put people in their places, and genuinely the most intelligent person of her generation.

She was getting off track, Todoroki didn’t talk to the best person ever when he had all the reason to. Why wouldn’t they want to get to know each other, they had to spend the rest of their lives together, so why not start on the right foot? Nonetheless, when Yaomomo’s letters went unanswered Kyoka had to be the one to comfort her, telling her that it was in no way her fault. Todoroki was to blame for everything, and she guessed a Todoroki was at fault, just not the one she was thinking of. After they arrived, and Todoroki had his talk with Yaomomo she discovered that it was the Count who forced Todoroki to refrain from replying.

For some reason she still hated him. Even after she discovered his reasons. At first, she believed it to be residual hate, and that it would go away over time, but it persisted. Then Katsukistormed into Kyoka’s room, which their group had decided was their hang-out spot. He tried to claim he was fine, but everyone knew he was lying. Eventually, Eijiromanaged to pry the information out of him. Shinso had all but threatened him and said that people were watching their every move. Which was extremely ominous if she said so herself. People were watching and reporting to the Count? So, what? It was not like he could do anything to them. After Bakugo’s confession, her hatred towards Todoroki and Shinso increased tenfold.

As if to spite her, Todoroki managed to get injured and pull Yaomomo away before she could tell her about what Shinso did, and there was never a good time to do so after. Yaomomo didn’t even resent Todoroki one bit anymore, as if the years of being ignored washed away in one day. There was yet another example of her greatness, Yaomomo rarely held grudges.

After a couple of days of silence from Todoroki, she thought everything would be settled and she wouldn’t have to hear about him until the wedding.When she walked into the kitchen, where only Inko and the other cooks should have been, she saw them. Talking to her mother figure, after they took her away from her parents and Inko was all she had left. Where did Todoroki buy his audacity? Because he seemed to get it in bulk. Of course, Inko was already emotionally adopting them, she was just that kind of person. And to make matters worse Izuku couldn’t stop talking about the boy whenever they were together. ‘Todoroki visited the garden’, ‘I made Todoroki a flower crown’, ‘he let me talk about anything I wanted all morning,’ and so on. Why couldn’t Todoroki stop taking what was hers? He already had so much, and she had almost nothing, now with less because of the move. There were 6 people she had with her, and he was already trying to take 3 of them from her.


He was a gentleman, damn it. Don’t get her wrong, she is ecstatic that he punished the pervert. She knows many people back in the Yaoyorozu estate who would have let him get away with what he did. Todoroki even gave the reigns over to Yaomomo who took great pleasure in her punishment of the little freak. But if Todoroki was managing to almost sway her, then everyone else was sure to be under his spell. Soon she would be left in the dust and the thought scared her. She didn’t want to be left behind; she didn’t want to hate him as much as she did. But the feeling of losing something never went away when she thought of him, that paired with the rage that boiled within her made it impossible to see reason.

Now here she was, holding a bouquet of freshly picked flowers, watching Yaomomo walk down the aisle looking like an angel sent down to earth to bless their eyes. Yaomomo was wearing a dress she helped make, embroidered with white Astrantia and Red Carnations. Strength and grace, as was Yaomomo. Wearing a flower crown, she was sure Izuku made for her with the same flowers depicted on her dress. Kyoka couldn’t see her face from under the veil, but she was she Yaomomo was smiling. Because Yaomomo had been waiting for the day she could step into to position of Lady of the household, and despite having to share it with Lady Fuyumi Kyoka knew that Yaomomo would do great things. Anything she touched turned to gold, and every idea she had was nothing short of brilliant.

The realization came suddenly and without warning, and now she knew why she felt those things about Todoroki. Kyoka wanted to be the one Yaomomo walked towards, to say ‘I do’ to, to share gentle, magical kisses with, and to spend the rest of her life with. Not be relegated to the side, watching as the woman she now knew she has loved since the moment she laid eyes on her was married off to another. With that realization came another, she could no longer cling to her dislike for Todoroki because it wasn’t his fault she was in love with his wife. Yaomomo turned her head to Kyoka, and she felt as if she was melting. At that moment it felt as if her fantasy was coming true. Yaomomo coming to her instead of him. And the disappointment she felt when she remembered that it could never happen almost brought her to her knees. She found herself wishing that she never discovered her feelings, that she remained ignorant for the rest of time if only to spare her this grief. Grief in knowing that while she will forever remain by Yaomomo's side she will never be able to hold her in a way lovers do. That privilege was reserved for the boy across from her, who wasn’t even taking in Yaomomo’s beauty. Eyes fixed on the crown placed perfectly on her head.


The day he had been dreading for 8 years has finally come. His suit had been changed last minute because Tsu pointed out that Yaomomo’s dress and his suit would clash. Shinso and Tsu had to scramble to find one that would match that wasn’t too small, they could fix it if it was big but it would be much harder to add fabric. When they finally found one it was midnight but it was way too big to fit Shouto without alterations. Tsu and Shinso stayed up all night taking in the seam and adding small embroidered details. Shouto wanted to keep them company but Shinso pointed out that they couldn’t afford to have him show up looking like the walking dead. Before they forced him to bed he asked for alstroemeria to be what they detailed onto the cuffs and such.

When the two woke him the next morning they looked like hadn’t had a wink of sleep. That is exactly what happened, Shinso and Tsu stayed up the entire night fixing his suit for him. Tsu had passed out the moment he woke up, so he let her be. Shinso, being used to pulling all-nighters helping him get dressed without another word. After which he woke Tsu up and helped her to her room.

Time flew by in a blur, and then he was standing in front of a priest with Shinso by his side as his groomsman. If this were a typical wedding with a typical family, Natsuo would have been his best man, but seeing as they weren’t either of those things Natsuo was sitting in the front row with tears in his eyes. Was he allergic to some of the flowers? Enji found that that kind of sentimentality was unnecessary, so he only allowed the manservant and handmaiden next to the groom and bride for the ceremony. Music played from off to the side, and when he looked to the origin point, he saw Kaminari playing the harpsoftly by himself. Which made sense because to his knowledge they had no musicians before Kaminari arrived. In the corner of his good eye, he caught Shinso staring in the blonde boy's direction with a red face.

Across from him, Jiro stood, red-faced as well as she lookeddown the aisle. Was there some kind of sickness going around that he wasn’t aware of? Gasps came from the audience, murmurs of ‘she is stunning’, ‘who made that dress, can they make me one?’, and disturbingly ‘they will make beautiful babies’. Momo strode down the aisle, with grace and intent. She wore a veil embroidered with flowers that he believed summed her up excellently, Grace and strength. Momo was strong enough to be able to put her will against Enji’s and come out victorious. What caught his eye though was what was holding the veil up, a flower crown expertly made. Shouto had a feeling he knew who made such a magnificent thing. In his opinion, it brought the whole look together.

The audience was restless full of excitement for reasons beyond understanding. Did they think that the relationship between Momo and him would be anything other than a business exchange just because they were attractive people? With all their talk about how they will make an amazing couple, or how happy they must be.

One person he managed to pick out who wasn’t under their delusion was Lord Monoma, who had always expressed his contempt for the nobility. Yes, it was a bit hypocritical for him to say that, considering Monoma himself is a noble. Monoma thought himself above everyone else because his family ‘worked hard’ for their wealth, while everyone else was born into their status. Shouto knew something Monoma didn’t, his family didn’t work hard for what they had, they had scammed people and robbed them blind after the country was attempting to recover from the devastation the war brought. The king had granted them a title after they accumulated enough wealth, not even stopping for a moment to think where it all came from. Not that Shouto blamed him, from everything he read dozens of noble families were massacred be it from targeted attacks or just the family line dying off because the heir was killed in battle. There was a power vacuum, and the king was struggling to find people to manage all the land that was left unattended. Monoma judged him because he was born into power, but Monoma is just the same as him.

Shouto made eye contact with Monoma and while he couldn’t hear him over all the talking and music, he could tell he was scoffing at him.Which was so typical of him, but Shouto couldn’t let the boy get to him. Momo was fast approaching, and he needed to focus. Momo was now standing in front of him, bowing her head in greeting and he returned the gesture.

“Blessings and marry meet, Gentle Lords and Ladies it is an honor to have you witness such an occasion. We are here today to join fair princess Yaoyorozu and noble Lord Todoroki together.” The priest began, and the slow drawl of his voice was putting Shouto to sleep. “They have asked you here today as witness to their joyous occasion, let us rejoice that they have found love at such a young age,” was this priest reading off a script, did he not know that this was a political marriage? The priest turned to Shouto, “Lord, are you here, on this day to pledge loyalty out of your free will?” ‘No’ “Yes, father” he responded. “Princess, are you here, on this day to pledge loyalty out of your free will,” no hesitance from Momo, “Yes father,” The priest returned his eyes to the audience, “In as much as this Noble Lord Todoroki and Fair Princess Yaoyorozu have pledged their intentions to be married this day, we call upon Heaven to bless this union. Therefore, if anyone can show just cause, why they may not be joined together, by God’s Law, or the Laws of the Realm; speak now, orkeep silent for all time.” He droned on and Shouto wasn’t too sure anyone was paying attention.

No one spoke, not that he was expecting them to. The ‘speak now’ bit was just a formality on most occasions. “As there are no objections, we will continue,” and he brought out a sword from behind his back, “Swear now on this sacred blade, that there is no known reason this union should not proceed,” he and Momo spoke in unison, “We swear, there is none.” and the priest went on to ask the holy father to bless their union, it was quite boring. “Do you Lord Todoroki-” On and on he spoke “I do-” “Do you Fair Princess Yaoyorozu-” “I do” The priest nodded as he brought out the rings, delicately crafted and expertly made. Momo takes a ring when instructed, “Receive and wear this ring as a symbol of my trust, my respect, and my love for you.” and he does the same. “This circle will now seal the vows of this marriage and will symbolize their unity as their love has no end,” ‘It also has no start,’ he thought silently to himself. The priest took a step back allowing them to exchange their vows.

“Your soul burns hot, the harshest storms could not extinguish it. Your will is strong, the strongest forces could not break it. It is my joy to have you as my bride, I shall strive to have you never regret having me as your groom,” Shouto vowed to his new wife. “On this joyous day, we have promised to be together throughout the hardest times, but I promise that I will help you thrive as well. Together we will be better than we could ever be apart.” Shouto wondered how long she spent working on what she would say, he had to work with Shinso for weeks to come up with even that much. Neither of them being particularly good at romance. The rest of the ceremony went by with Shouto doing what was expected of him, but not much else. “Before I pronounce you married, you must kiss three times. Once for luck, twice for love, and thrice for long life.”

Just what he had been dreading, but Shouto had to comply. At least Momo didn’t look too ecstatic about it either. They took each other's hands in theirs and kissed the knuckles. Then he leaned down and kissed her forehead and allowed her to do the same. Then finally they shared a kiss on the lips. And it wasn’t what the books described would happen when the protagonist's lips met their lovers. It wasn’t as if his lips belonged on hers as if he hadn’t truly liveduntil the moment they met. It wasn’t even the way that he overheard maids swooning about, magical and breathtaking. The single second felt like it was too long. An uncomfortably warm breath could be felt on his cheek, and he just wanted it to stop. Why did people enjoy this, it was just his mouth touching something else. There was nothing special about it, other than being wet and just plain wrong. The moment he pulled away felt like a huge relief, he never wanted to do that again.

“By the Power Vested in me by the Realm. I now pronounce you Gentle Lord Todoroki and Fair Princess Yaoyorozu, Husband and Wife.” Cheers rang out from the audience and the music changed from slow and soft wedding music to party music. He guessed it was time for the wedding reception.

A Noble and a Gardener - Chapter 12 - Milo_needs_help - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)


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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Author information

Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.